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Friday, 14 February 2014

Wittering on 14/02/14 - Full Moon Drama

It seems that as I had prioritised my studies over the enjoyment and acknowledgement of the full moon, the Goddess was making me see reason. On a whim I went outside for some fresh air and a clearing appeared through the heavy cloud cover out of nowhere... there she was, bright and full. As I had planned to bless full moon water tonight, the words came to me as easy as if she had said them first and I was repeating them back:
Blessed Goddess, heed my call,
Send your light through my wall.
Bless the water especially laid,
With your sacred glow cascade.
So mote it be!

As soon as I was done, she slipped back behind clouds out of view. On my way back up the stairs, the answer to my other spell problem solved itself. So I went back downstairs and out into the garden again, to thank her and once again the moon appeared from behind the clouds...
Bright Mother, I thank you
For your wisdom so true
These words are empowered
By the light that you showered
Blessed Be!
The dark clouds hid her as I finished my thanks and I felt her presence slowly dissipate.

I’ve shared this because I know to prioritise the Goddess at the Full Moon, I’ve been a witch for a long time and the Full Moon is like her birthday but it’s good to know she’ll kick me up the butt if I forget. I just hope she remembers mine – lol!!!

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