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Saturday, 5 November 2016

Deck Creation - The Joey Morris Oracle (Daughter of the Morrigan)

It is with great satisfaction and a little pride that I can bring news (and pictures) of another oracle deck reaching fruition. The bulk of this deck was created in late Spring but as I descended into the last few cards I felt a need to step back for a while… Morrigan is an intense and great energy to work with and I was overwhelmed by her presence and contribution to this deck. As Autumn rolled in, arguably a very prominent time of year for this Celtic Goddess, I felt the ‘call to arms’ once more and so armed with great inspiration by one of the most awing deities I’ve ever experienced, off I went and in 3 days the deck was done. So here we are and I present you with…

The Cosmic Calling of a Shadow Wolf

Whilst all animals sacred to Morrigan and foxes are also sacred to Joey… I feel she connects most profoundly to wolves and as I scouted around Google for images I knew what I was looking for… the wolf had to be a silhouette because this is an astral wolf and to the everyday world, the astral is in shadow and I felt the need to mirror that. The second thing I knew was a must is that this silhouetted wold must be howling; whilst most would assume that as in popularised supernatural fictions the wolf would be howling at the moon, I disagreed; Joey is connected to the whole cosmos and the moon just didn’t feel enough for her wolf. This background I chose to set the wolf against was edited in photoshop to give a slightly orangy hue because orange is a colour which automatically brings Samhain to mind and Samhain is a thinning of veils… bringing what lays beyond the veils closer as does a wolf call. This brought to mind an eternal cycle of the wolf calling to the cosmos and the cosmos answering.

The Triads
I incorporated three sets of triadic cards into the deck:

«     Maidenhood, Motherhood, Cronehood
The Morrigan is well known as a Triple Goddess but using cards just stating Maiden, Mother and Crone didn’t seem to incorporate that Morrigan owns these states of being and shifts between them to exist and experience divinity in each aspect. For example, ‘Maidenhood’ is the sphere of youth… all the desires that will forge ones future. Creating a card for each stage of divine life brings forth the drives of each sphere and opens each to interpretation.
«     Anu, Macha, Badb
This triad is based on the names given to the most well-known aspects of Morrigan in her Triple Goddess form as Maiden, Mother & Crone. These aspects were given individual cards because Joey specifically relates to their essences and each has attributes which can be applied to a given situation that is being questioned in a reading.
«     Of Blood and Bone, Mistress of Death, Warrior
These cards relate whole-heartedly to the most common image of Morrigan – She is a Goddess of Death, She is a Warrior and She is often associated with blood and bone. While I know that limiting Morrigan to these stereotypes is narrow-minded, a deck devoted to Her which doesn’t include them would seem incomplete.

On further examination of the completed cards, I found other triad sets:
«     Starry Night, Orion Dreams, Cosmic Alliance
It may seem obvious but all three of these cards are related to universal/cosmic energy… Starry Night relates to Joey’s store, or at least the inspiration behind it; Orion Dreams is an interpretation on a connection to Orion that I’ve heard Joey talk about in some of her videos and in private chats.
«     Path, Disillusionment, Wisdom
This triad has more subtle connections – there are many things in this universe which will lead someone into the Craft and these cards are some of the most common – the search for wisdom of the unknown and unseen; feeling you are on a path which must be followed; recognising how when illusions are shattered, what remains must be truth.

I am overjoyed that in creating these cards there were patterns that were unintentional because that is the essence of divination and the beauty of synchronicity. Finding interpretations that were not expected but never the less are undeniably a part of something more magickal and divine than what can be perceived in the human experience is a large part of why I’m making these cards. It is now, when I am armed with this synchronicity, which I accredit fully to Morrigan for providing, I can look deeper.

Totem Cards
The animals sacred to Morrigan, at least those found via legend and mythology, are Raven, Wolf, Eel, Horse and Heifer… these kindred spirits of Morrigan have been singled out in cards because of what they bring to her presence and though each bring a myriad of messages and resources, so does their energy as a collective… these animals are all powerful and highly symbolic; that is, from what I can gather, a dedication to the Morrigan and her own power.

My Favourites
I think I love this card so much because it is so very open to interpretation; ‘Path’ is a word so commonly used in Pagan circles, communities and dialogues that I feel it gets overlooked and certainly taken for granted. I put this card in the deck to help refocus on the journey being taken… in magick, in life, in spirituality. A twilight forest scene seemed appropriate for Joey because trees are home for her; the pathway through the trees is a little ‘on the nose’ in terms of symbolism but I hope it will be an enjoyable card to be pulled in Joey’s personal readings.

I've put the Path card above these choices because it was showcased in the triads but here are some of my other favourites and a little about how each came about:

i)      Shape Shifting is the second card I am choosing and as a matter of insight it is the first card I created and I instantly knew it was the card I should begin the deck with. Having been a subscriber of Joey’s channel for some time I am familiar with and understand her annoyance that Morrigan gets categorised as only a Goddess of Death and War; Her other aspects get overlooked in many accounts of her associations and powers. Shape shifting is one of Morrigan’s most fascinating aspects and whether the card is interpreted as a power of the Goddess or something more personal, it is a reminder that just one label is never enough to successfully describe the sum of a person or deity.

ii)   This is possibly a controversial card and I did consider not including it but Joey posted this photograph of herself before I had even started to make oracle cards and in the photograph I saw Morrigan looking at me through Joey’s eyes. That was it for me… I had to play on photoshop and create Morrigan within the image. I made several versions and this was my favourite before I’d even thought of the deck. So, when the deck was conceived and I had focused the ideas down to aspects of Morrigan, I knew exactly the image to use to see Morrigan in her daughters.
iii) Ah, the yumminess that is foxes. It was so difficult to make a choice for the wording on the fox card; I toyed with Trickster, Eyes in the Aether, Twilight Temptation, etc but nothing seemed to capture the energy of fox I was trying to portray and when I chose Awareness, it felt to fit like the last piece of the jigsaw. Anyone who watches Joey’s channel knows how she cherishes the presence of foxy energies and so this felt like a very important card but the reason it makes one of my personal favourites is the combination of the outline silhouette and the orange/white energy background which gives the impression of a shifting awareness.

Well, there we have it… the whole deck is 44 cards and I have featured about half of those here. Joey, herself has showcased the cards in a video on her YouTube channel, link below…

There is another deck in the works – watch this space!!!

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