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Sunday, 16 February 2014

Rune Magick - Ur (Uruz)

A symbol of masculinity and strength, I consider Uruz a representation of the God and quite complimentary to this, in Norse lore it is associated with Thor; it is also associated with the colour dark green and as such I consider it a symbol of the wild wood and the masculine force that emanates from there. Combining these two elements, I make a talisman with this rune to invoke the ‘The Green Man’.  

Green Man Invocation Talisman
You will need:
  • A green organza bag
  • An Uruz Rune made of Holly, Agate, Bloodstone or Carbuncle
  • 4 Holly Leaves, 4 Oak Leaves & 1 Birch Leaf
  • Anointing Oil – Tangerine & Black Pepper
  • 1 tsp Dragons Blood powder
  • 1 tsp Pennyroyal dried & crushed
What to do:
    1.          Cast your circle and cleanse all items; prepare your oil and herbs ready to add to the talisman bag (see left).
    2.       Anoint the rune with the oil, focus on the energies you wish the oils to permeate the rune with, blessing it:
Rune of strength, I boost your power
With tangerine to help it flower
In this oil is pepper, black
Adding kick to your attack
    3.        Add the rune to the bag.
   4.     Begin adding the elements of the talisman to the bag: starting with the leaves:
Oak leaves, count them, one, two, three
Green Man’s strength from their tree
Holly too for permanence
One, two, three with eloquence
And Birch to seal this forest in
Links it to the Uruz within.
    5.        Herb mix next… (visualise the energies of the herbs blending with those of the rune and the leaves):
Herbs of strength and courage send
Your power to this energy blend
     6.        Tie the bag, and complete the spell:
Walk the path of leaves I’ve laid
From morning light to twilight fade
Life’s eternal woodland Lord
In this rune, your strength endures
So mote it be!

Carry this talisman with you whenever you feel the need for Green Man’s presence & charge on your altar at either Solstice by sprinkling with the oil blend. 

The Chariot & Uruz
(Strength of Character Spell)
In divination, The Chariot tarot card is symbolic of potential greatness and so combined with Uruz – a rune of potential strength – therein lays the potential for a great courage spell. This one is combining the power of these two divinatory vehicles to bring out your strength of character:

You will need:
  • An Uruz Rune
  • A Chariot Card
  • Grapefruit Essential Oil; 2 drops per 10 drops of base oil
What to do:
1.          Place the tarot card on a flat surface (like your altar), put the bottle of blended oil on top of the card, and the rune, face down, on to the rim of the open bottle.
2.       Visualise the energies of The Chariot and Uruz infusing the Grapefruit oil; and all three energies swirling together, blending.
3.        As you do this, recite the incantation:
My character is waning
Its sourness is reigning
So it is a change I seek
A fiddle and a tweak
To banish out that sour
Dispel my endless glower
With strength from Uruz
A greater character I choose
So by Rune and Chariot card
This weakness I discard
4.      Use a drop of this oil on your pulse points to encourage the strength of your character to grow.

Uruz for Fertility
(Earth Associated Spells)
As the Uruz rune is strongly associated with fertility, and the element of Earth is the most physical representation of spiritual fertility, they team up very naturally for a fertility spell or rite. I have selected two methods of performing a working of this sort

Method 1
This is the simplest of the three methods, simply a meditation, charge and burying. As it is to increase fertility it should be done during a waxing moon.
You will need:
A bowl of earth
An Uruz rune
A wand (optional)

1. Cast your circle and cleanse all items before you begin.
2. I will mention an optional step here before I move on to the rune work – this is to charge the bowl of earth. I do not feel it necessary when I perform this working but some might. To do this I would use my wand, place the tip into the earth and use the Earth verse of my Element Chant:
I would chant this 3 times, each time drawing a circle Deosil in the earth with my wand. At the end of the third circle I would draw an invoking pentagram inside it and say “SO MOTE IT BE”. 
3. Sit in circle, holding your rune and meditate on your desire, this may be for physical fertility and the wish to conceive; it may be for your garden to grow and abundant crop of lavender; or it could be anything in between.
4. Visualise your desire – I imagine a light of a corresponding colour – let it grow and take shape; once you are happy with its astral manifestation, send it slowly into the Uruz symbol in your hand. I make the Uruz symbol into a door with a handle, open the door and then send the image through it, closing the door behind it.
5. Slowly come out of the visualisation/meditation and contemplate the rune holding your desire within.
Place the rune, face-up, into the earth and cover it over carefully.
6. Thank any energies you may have invoked and take down your circle.

Method 2
For this second method, I draw on the power of the Goddess in her Mother Earth aspect of Gaia and make a bio-degradable sachet. This time I ask for the obstacles and obstructions in the way of successful fertility to be removed and so a waning moon would be a more appropriate time to cast.
You will need:
A Paper sachet – green or black
Birch Leaves (associated with Uruz & feminine energy)

What to do:
1. Cast your circle and cleanse all spell materials.
2. Call & Invoke Gaia:
Mother Earth from time’s inception
Great creator of conception
I call you now to aid my fight
Gaia, rescue me from my plight
3. Draw the Uruz symbol on to the paper sachet – U. Add a door knob to the left hand side – this door will provide a gateway to the element of earth. Place the sachet to one side.
4. Pick up each Birch leaf in turn and send the energy of the obstacle or obstruction standing in your way (medical, financial, etc) into the leaf. As each one is charged, add it to the sachet.
5. Once the sachet is full of your fertility problems you can seal it.
6. Hold the sachet and ask Gaia for her assistance:
Goddess Gaia of fertile grace                          Make conception not a chore
Banish these issues that I face                         Give this blessing and no more
7. The sachet now needs charging with its full intent: hold it in both hands and imagine the energy of all of those obstacles swirling around in the leaves. Close your eyes and charge it with the intention of removing these problems from you. To complete the charge, draw a banishing pentagram over the sachet.

8. Thank and release Gaia:

        Mother Earth from time’s inception
        Great creator of conception
        Thank you for aiding in my fight
        Hail & farewell to you and my plight
Take the sachet into nature and bury it under a Birch tree with an offering for Gaia.

Thor Empowerment Meditation
My connection with Thor began when I was researching the Oak tree and I discovered he had associations with it. This meditation empowers not only through Thor, but through the Oak tree also. I have kept the concept of the Uruz as a door in this meditation as I find it a very apt way of reaching the realm of the Gods and Thor’s domain.

Begin by finding somewhere comfortable at a time that you won’t be disturbed.

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, deepen each breath as you inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

As your heart rate slows and your mind begins to drift, visualise an Oak tree, ancient, strong and wise. Take your time to make this image solid in your sub conscious.

Once it is solid, see the Uruz symbol emblazoned on the trunk reaching to the ground. Transform the symbol into a door – a gateway to Thor’s domain.

There is large key hole. Make a fist with your dominant hand – the shape of a hammer and thrust it into the key hole. The door opens.

Enter through the door and one of two things happen, depending on how your mind works. Either way, you will reach Thor.
a)       You will see a lightning fork for you to climb up, taking you to Him.
b)      There will be a tornado of air to walk into to swirl you up to Him.

Once at the top, you will see a vast kingdom of cloud structures, hear the crack of lightning and the roll of thunder. This is when you wait for his approach.

How Thor comes to you, is from this point completely individual and so I will not make any suggestion on his approach but you are there for a reason.

With strong visualisation skills he will be as present as you are, notice how he looks, his scent, his demeanour, as many details as you can to record later.

I find his presence very dominant and so the gift of empowerment should come from him and not be asked for.

For me, his act of giving empowerment is to open my chakras and draw the light from them. This light is completely disconnected from me as it circles his hammer three times and the returns to me via my crown.

I feel the new energy sparkle and crack like lightning through my chakras and then it spreads throughout my entire auric field.

Once the energy assimilates and flows at a regular rate, thank Thor for his gift of empowerment and bid him farewell.

Return through the tree in the same way you ascended.

Release the meditation by reversing the process of invoking it:
Close the tree door and put your hammer-like fist into the key hole to lock it
Step back and transform the door back to Uruz
Watch the symbol fade back into the tree
Dissolve the tree back into the aether.

Slowly open your eyes and return to the conscious world.

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