Visualisation is an art form. It is a way of
bringing to the visual receptors of the mind anything your imagination can
conjure. Your visualisations can be as big or as small as you like, they can be
dramatic, mellow, stylish, aquatic, lunar, even spacey-wacey if you’re a Doctor
Who fan. It is an intrinsic part of spiritual and magickal practice because
almost every part of a working involves some form of visualisation –
manifesting intention in the spiritual world, picturing your energy and the
energy of other forces, be them deity, elements, faeries, etc. Even the basics,
like grounding and centring involve a degree of seeing something change in the
world behind your eyelids.
I personally find that visualisation techniques require
the Third Eye chakra to be open, cleansed and at peak performance; in fact attempting
to visualise without the aid of my Third Eye chakra is like trying to breathe
without the help of oxygen. This chakra is your gateway to the unseen and so
will be the subject of a visualisation exercise:
Visualisation Exercise 1 –
Third Eye

1. Close
your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax you – ground and centre.
2. I like to focus on thinking
and feeling how my eyes open and close, how they see. This information I then
concentrate on my brow.
to open the third eye, using this information – now, when I say open, I do not
mean open outward toward the physical world, but inward, into your thoughts,
emotions, feelings and imagination.
At first, you may only feel pressure, or heat, maybe tingling
in the area but with time and practice, it will open.
4. Once it does, you can play
with how it looks: will it be an eye that looks like your physical eyes? Will
it be an animal eye? Will it be decorated with make up? Will it blink/wink a
lot? Take your time and work on it till it feels right.
you are ready to finish, make sure you close the eye; leaving any chakra open
can be draining to your energy and can effect your health.
it fade into the aether before opening your eyes.
An Eye for
You may have picked up from the visualisation
exercise that detail is an important element of visualisation. It is in the
detail where manifestation begins… I therefore have a second exercise:
Visualisation Exercise 2 – The Face
This is an exercise to practice conjuring specific
detail to a visualisation and is in 2 parts.
Part 1
- Look
at your face in the mirror; try to see every aspect of yourself – notice
the shape & colour of your eyes; the width, depth & slant of your
nose; the plumpness and curvature of your lips, etc…
- Experiment
with your expressions to make a more 3D imprint of yourself on your
- Once
you feel you have all the information you need, close your eyes and take several
deep breaths to relax your body and mind
- Try
to recall the image that saw in the mirror: start with the basic shape and
make that solid before moving on to features and finally expressions.
Part 2
At this point, it’s time to have a little fun and engage
the imagination much more fully. It’s time to play. I have put this part as a
bullet point list because it is entirely up to you. With your face sitting
fully formed in your mind, try a little change: slim the chin, maybe, or narrow
the nose, life the cheek bones, smooth out the wrinkles, change the shape or
colour of your eyes, even change your hair.
If you want to get really imaginative, change the
colour and texture of your skin, maybe morph your face into that of a tiger or
a serpent. The possibilities are endless. That is the point of visualisation,
you are only as limited as your imagination is.
& Meditation
As I have already mentioned, visualisation is an
important part of magickal work but never so much as in meditation. Meditation
is, in my humble opinion, a form of visualisation for a more defined purpose. I
liken it to dreaming because the relaxation state is so similar to that of when
you are sleeping; your mind is wide open to possibilities, messages, guidance,
etc… The difference between visualisation and meditation is that a
visualisation is all from you, it is your subconscious, your imagination, your
manifestations; meditation is when it is not all from you. Visualisation
techniques are used to see a location, a deity, a myriad of energies, but if
those energies react or interact with you it would be more definable as the
practice as meditation.
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