The concept of totems is an ancient one, the power
of the animal kingdom bringing us messages, wisdom and comfort in the astral
realms. I do not claim to be an expert on the lore of their wisdom but I have 7
individual animal totems that are special and sacred to me and they cross 4
species – Orca, Badger, Magpie and Giant Panda. I thought I would tell you a
little about how they came to me – when, why, etc…
Opal is my best friend in the totem world,
she is an Orca (Killer Whale) and she was gifted to me at birth or maybe she
came to me on her own; she hasn’t shared that particular story with me yet. I
found her when I was 14 during my very first meditation and I’ve loved her ever
since. She’s a very ancient soul, extremely protective and so loving. She has
had 4 calves since I got to know her and the youngest one, Bel, is now the totem
of my niece.
Bennet, Bryn & Briar

Rendicott & Thabelwam
I discovered these cheeky Magpie brothers,
my babies (as I call them), in meditation also and they joined me during a
Winter Solstice meditation in 2010. Rendicott is very active and sneaky and
completely nuts… he makes me laugh and reminds me that my spiritual work should
be fun. Thabelwam is quieter but sly and highly intelligent, when I work with
him, although I feel safe, I’m always a little cautious about where the
meditation is going. I love them both though and as I am maturing in my 30’s
now, they keep my heart and spirit youthful.

I should probably enlighten you on my Totem Hotel –
it’s something I created astrally when Bennet & Bryn first came to me. It’s
a 4-star resort for my permanent totem residents and those who pass through… it
is located on a low hanging cliff face over looking the ocean (I needed a place
for Opal) and to the west there is a great forest. The badgers took a basement
room and then when Rendicot and Thabelwam moved in, they took the penthouse, a
room with a ceiling/roof but no walls – I’ve added pillars for structure on the
advice of +Shiann Raven Moon because even in the astral realms, a building needs structure.
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