
??? 2014 Adopt a... Aether Affirmations Air Alder Altar Animals Ansuz Aphrodite Artemis Ash Astral Astrology August Autumn Back to Basics Banishing Belief Beltane Beth Birch Birds Blessings Blog Milestone Blue Tit Book of Shadows Books Brighid Calcite Celebration Celtic Calendar Centring Chakras Chant Chaos Charge Christmas Colour Magick Communication Correspondence Crone Dark Side Darkness December Deity Desire Development Divinity Doreen Valiente Drama Dreaming Droolage Duir Earth Ego Elder Elements Elm Elves Energy Eostre Esbat Ethics Exercises Fairies Fairytales Fearn Feasting February Fehu Feminism Feoh Fertility Financial Fire Fledging Flight Friendship Full Moon Fun Future Blog Plans Gaia Gemini God & Goddess Goddess Gort Grounding Haiku Haul Hawthorn Hazel Healing Hecate Holly How to... Huath Ideas Imbolc In Memory of... Inanna Incense Inner Strength Inspirational People Invocation Ishtar Ivy January Joey Morris Journal July June Jupiter Karma Kore Lammas Lateness Life Litha Loki Loss Love Love Magick Loyalty Luck Luis Lynx Mabon Magick Magickal Name Maiden Manifestation Manners March Masculinity May Meditation Money Moon Phase Moon Sign Morality Mother Earth Movement Muin My Path My Poetry Nature New Page New Year New Years Day Ngetal Nion Norse November Oak October Odin Opportunities Oracle Deck Tab Pagan Path Patience Persephone Phrases Plans Poetry Power Practice Properity Protection Quick Reference Raido Rant Recipe Recommendation Reed Reflecting on... Reflection Resourced Respect Ritual Rooster Rowan Ruis Rune Interpretation Rune Magick Runes Sabbat Activities Saille Samhain Sami SAve the Earth Scrying Seasonal Sekhmet Self-Exploration Self-Expression Self-Improvement September Shadow Work Shiann Raven Moon Signs & Symbols Silver RavenWolf Sodalite Soul Spell Spell Spin Spirit Spiritual Richness Spring Springwatch Strength Summer Sun Sign Sunshine Morning Rae Swords Suit Sylphs Talisman Tarot The Green Man Thor Thought Thunder Thurisaz Time Tinne TipToeChick Totem Travel Trees Tribute Trust Universal Energy Update Ur Uruz Vine Vision Quest Visualisation Wands Waning Moon Water Waxing Moon Wealth Weather Wheel of the Year Wicca Willow Winter Witch-2-Watch Witchcraft Wittering On Words of Power Year and a Day YouTube Yule Zeus

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Book of Shadows - 2017 Intentions Page

Once again, I must apologise for my delay in posting; inspiration has been lacking a lot this year and I think that is partially due to the lack of direction and  intention. With that in mind I have created an Intention Page to be added to my Book of Shadows for 2017. This is something I plan to do each year from now on and I am very pleased with what I have set as goals for the coming year. As always, your comments are welcome as are your own personal takes on this idea.

Many blessings x)O(x

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Deck Creation - The Joey Morris Oracle (Daughter of the Morrigan)

It is with great satisfaction and a little pride that I can bring news (and pictures) of another oracle deck reaching fruition. The bulk of this deck was created in late Spring but as I descended into the last few cards I felt a need to step back for a while… Morrigan is an intense and great energy to work with and I was overwhelmed by her presence and contribution to this deck. As Autumn rolled in, arguably a very prominent time of year for this Celtic Goddess, I felt the ‘call to arms’ once more and so armed with great inspiration by one of the most awing deities I’ve ever experienced, off I went and in 3 days the deck was done. So here we are and I present you with…

The Cosmic Calling of a Shadow Wolf

Whilst all animals sacred to Morrigan and foxes are also sacred to Joey… I feel she connects most profoundly to wolves and as I scouted around Google for images I knew what I was looking for… the wolf had to be a silhouette because this is an astral wolf and to the everyday world, the astral is in shadow and I felt the need to mirror that. The second thing I knew was a must is that this silhouetted wold must be howling; whilst most would assume that as in popularised supernatural fictions the wolf would be howling at the moon, I disagreed; Joey is connected to the whole cosmos and the moon just didn’t feel enough for her wolf. This background I chose to set the wolf against was edited in photoshop to give a slightly orangy hue because orange is a colour which automatically brings Samhain to mind and Samhain is a thinning of veils… bringing what lays beyond the veils closer as does a wolf call. This brought to mind an eternal cycle of the wolf calling to the cosmos and the cosmos answering.

The Triads
I incorporated three sets of triadic cards into the deck:

«     Maidenhood, Motherhood, Cronehood
The Morrigan is well known as a Triple Goddess but using cards just stating Maiden, Mother and Crone didn’t seem to incorporate that Morrigan owns these states of being and shifts between them to exist and experience divinity in each aspect. For example, ‘Maidenhood’ is the sphere of youth… all the desires that will forge ones future. Creating a card for each stage of divine life brings forth the drives of each sphere and opens each to interpretation.
«     Anu, Macha, Badb
This triad is based on the names given to the most well-known aspects of Morrigan in her Triple Goddess form as Maiden, Mother & Crone. These aspects were given individual cards because Joey specifically relates to their essences and each has attributes which can be applied to a given situation that is being questioned in a reading.
«     Of Blood and Bone, Mistress of Death, Warrior
These cards relate whole-heartedly to the most common image of Morrigan – She is a Goddess of Death, She is a Warrior and She is often associated with blood and bone. While I know that limiting Morrigan to these stereotypes is narrow-minded, a deck devoted to Her which doesn’t include them would seem incomplete.

On further examination of the completed cards, I found other triad sets:
«     Starry Night, Orion Dreams, Cosmic Alliance
It may seem obvious but all three of these cards are related to universal/cosmic energy… Starry Night relates to Joey’s store, or at least the inspiration behind it; Orion Dreams is an interpretation on a connection to Orion that I’ve heard Joey talk about in some of her videos and in private chats.
«     Path, Disillusionment, Wisdom
This triad has more subtle connections – there are many things in this universe which will lead someone into the Craft and these cards are some of the most common – the search for wisdom of the unknown and unseen; feeling you are on a path which must be followed; recognising how when illusions are shattered, what remains must be truth.

I am overjoyed that in creating these cards there were patterns that were unintentional because that is the essence of divination and the beauty of synchronicity. Finding interpretations that were not expected but never the less are undeniably a part of something more magickal and divine than what can be perceived in the human experience is a large part of why I’m making these cards. It is now, when I am armed with this synchronicity, which I accredit fully to Morrigan for providing, I can look deeper.

Totem Cards
The animals sacred to Morrigan, at least those found via legend and mythology, are Raven, Wolf, Eel, Horse and Heifer… these kindred spirits of Morrigan have been singled out in cards because of what they bring to her presence and though each bring a myriad of messages and resources, so does their energy as a collective… these animals are all powerful and highly symbolic; that is, from what I can gather, a dedication to the Morrigan and her own power.

My Favourites
I think I love this card so much because it is so very open to interpretation; ‘Path’ is a word so commonly used in Pagan circles, communities and dialogues that I feel it gets overlooked and certainly taken for granted. I put this card in the deck to help refocus on the journey being taken… in magick, in life, in spirituality. A twilight forest scene seemed appropriate for Joey because trees are home for her; the pathway through the trees is a little ‘on the nose’ in terms of symbolism but I hope it will be an enjoyable card to be pulled in Joey’s personal readings.

I've put the Path card above these choices because it was showcased in the triads but here are some of my other favourites and a little about how each came about:

i)      Shape Shifting is the second card I am choosing and as a matter of insight it is the first card I created and I instantly knew it was the card I should begin the deck with. Having been a subscriber of Joey’s channel for some time I am familiar with and understand her annoyance that Morrigan gets categorised as only a Goddess of Death and War; Her other aspects get overlooked in many accounts of her associations and powers. Shape shifting is one of Morrigan’s most fascinating aspects and whether the card is interpreted as a power of the Goddess or something more personal, it is a reminder that just one label is never enough to successfully describe the sum of a person or deity.

ii)   This is possibly a controversial card and I did consider not including it but Joey posted this photograph of herself before I had even started to make oracle cards and in the photograph I saw Morrigan looking at me through Joey’s eyes. That was it for me… I had to play on photoshop and create Morrigan within the image. I made several versions and this was my favourite before I’d even thought of the deck. So, when the deck was conceived and I had focused the ideas down to aspects of Morrigan, I knew exactly the image to use to see Morrigan in her daughters.
iii) Ah, the yumminess that is foxes. It was so difficult to make a choice for the wording on the fox card; I toyed with Trickster, Eyes in the Aether, Twilight Temptation, etc but nothing seemed to capture the energy of fox I was trying to portray and when I chose Awareness, it felt to fit like the last piece of the jigsaw. Anyone who watches Joey’s channel knows how she cherishes the presence of foxy energies and so this felt like a very important card but the reason it makes one of my personal favourites is the combination of the outline silhouette and the orange/white energy background which gives the impression of a shifting awareness.

Well, there we have it… the whole deck is 44 cards and I have featured about half of those here. Joey, herself has showcased the cards in a video on her YouTube channel, link below…

There is another deck in the works – watch this space!!!

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Wittering on... 16/10/16 - Autumn Excitement, Oracle News & Apologies

Autumnal Excitement…
Oh, how the darkness plays with my mind and makes my imagination hop on the broomstick and fly into the shadows of Autumn. With the veil thinning and the nights lengthening, I can smell the decay of leaves, I can sense the shift in season, the drop in temperature and how I adore it and jump for joy. Dark clouds and rainstorms, leaf piles to plough through, dancing leaves that abandon the branches and float to their brothers and sisters on chilled breezes. In case you can’t guess, this is my favourite time of year… so magickal, so mystical and completely sublime.

At this most divine time, descending deeply into the dark, cold months of autumn and winter, I am drawn to the pale light of the moons rays as she plays hide and seek, slipping behind drifting clouds before blessing us with her delicate silvery light. It is with these thoughts in mind, as I sit quietly by candlelight in my garden watching the October full moon that I decide to re-write my ritual for Drawing Down the Moon. A powerful and beautiful rite to invoke the Goddess directly into the soul and share Her light. Link to my write up of the full rite will be here soon…

Oracle Card News
With the aforementioned descent into darkening days, I have been recalled to the ‘Daughter of the Morrigan’ oracle deck I am creating for +Joey Morris. The majority of the deck is ready to print but I have only a few more cards to make; the images will be posted here soon and full deck review will be posted separately with intended patterns and favourite cards to be showcased.


I know that sadly, I do not post as much as I used to and I do intend to remedy that to some extent but much of my inspiration is currently taken up with deck creations and on top of work commitments and personal practice, the time to create posts is not as readily available as I would like. Note to self – must make more time – lol!

Monday, 12 September 2016

Wittering on - Mandi's Pagan Podcast Interview

Well, hello there my lovely witterites (yes I have coined a word for my followers – lol!)

This is only a mini-post to share something which is very exciting but also slightly cringe-inducing for me as the sound of my own voice makes me want to magickally remove my vocal chords…

My very sweet and very dear friend, +Mandi See, has ‘interviewed’ me for her Pagan Podcast on SoundCloud to talk all about this blog… how and why I started it; where my inspiration comes from; why I prefer to blog than vlog and a few quick fire questions toward the end to keep me on my toes (or should that be my broomstick?):

So, please enjoy and I’ll be back soon with more witterings.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Apple Blossom Wand Blessing (with Quert)

Harvest the branch for an apple wand under the earliest, sliver-of-light crescent of a new moon between May and October, always asking for permission from the deva of the tree.
Leave the bark natural or strip away and anoint with oils… as a wand with a loving energy, rose would make a beautiful compliment to the this type of wand; much like, adding a rose quartz to the tip of an apple wand.

1.         Cast your circle in a manner consistent with the intention of your blessing… apple is generally associated with love and so petals are pretty; maybe an astral fire for passion, but with Quert’s element association being water, perhaps a flow of astral waters permeated with blossoms.
2.        Anoint the Quert votive with it’s oil and place it in West area of your altar and light it
3.        Anoint the wand with the oil too – centre to base, centre to tip, reciting these words whilst holding it:
Oh blessed oil, of crafting hands
Dance on this wand like a wave on the sands
It’s power strengthened, imbued with your light
Bring love to it’s core so its magick shines bright
4.    Place the wand on your altar with the tip almost touching the candle and so facing West. Surround it with the crystals so they form pentacle points around the wand and the top point of the pentacle being a crystal between the wand and votive.
5.    Visualise a pentacle of water connecting these points before seeing the wand draw in that energy… allowing the branch to be charged by it.
6.      Now, focusing on the wand, the crystals, the pentacle, the light of the candle and the scent of the oil, raise your energy until it harmonises with the vibration of the items before you. I like to manifest this energy is the heart chakra and then visualise it emanating from the chakra into the wand.
7.        Lastly, the blessing salts are sprinkled over the wand with the incantation:
Blessed be, oh, wand of emotions
Filled with love and romantic notions
Open hearts, relieve confusion
Heal hurts, dispel illusion
Bring to light the love I see
As I do will,, so mote it be

8. Your wand is now charged by Quert infused candlelight, oil and blessing salts; also, the energy of aventurine (a higher heart chakra crystal) and rose quartz (a lower heart chakra crystal) and will work in alignment with loving magicks. Thank the energies which you invoked and close your circle 

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Wittering on... 23/08/16 - Prepping for Autumn Altar

I know, I know… I’ve been lazy with posting again. The ideas are there but unfortunately the time to put stunning posts which combine magickal delicacy, exciting prose and memorable rhymes together is not. However, as I’ve been exceedingly witchy today and actually cast spells… not to mention changed up my altar ready to welcome Autumn, I thought I’d share…

The spell I cast twice; for two different people and I will consider sharing it at a later date with some slight adjustments from my personal version as it was a spell for cash flow and I know many of us are struggling at the moment.

That is all for now. Blessed be x)O(x

Monday, 1 August 2016

Rune Interpretation - Kenaz

Basic Meaning:
HEAT – LIGHT – ENLIGHTENMENT – documents, letters, books or other recorded information – insight – ideas – solutions – success – creativity – opportunities

Magickal Application:
creating portals/openings – banishments – illumination – all fire magick

Deity Association:
As I have been away from the runes for so long I have changed tack in characterising each one; this has led to me humanising Kenaz and imagining her with a body form…

This fiery rune is a divine feminine principle – flaming red hair, fire in the blood – exuding warmth, light and knowledge. She is the epitome of wisdom and enlightenment and yet carries the incredible calm of one who wields her wisdom with honour. With her wisdom comes the power to dispel shadows of ignorance and see with eyes of true discernment. And within this power also lays the great ability to transform understanding into action and the light of that action is a beacon in the darkness, creating the path to spiritual illumination.

There is another side to the fires of Kenaz’s soul; she is a representation of the natural warmth and companionship of home, an embodiment of good health.
The knowledge and wisdom that Kenaz wields brings to you a new understanding of life and its meaning when the Universe sends it to you in a reading. Divinity is asking you to embrace the meaning of TORCH which indicates a light in the dark – the light of new insight. Use it; don’t be complacent… follow this light and use your new understanding, your new perspective to bring the warmth of Kenaz’s knowledge to your heart and the spirit of the world. If you use this gift, any hardships on your path to receiving it will be worth it.

Enlightment fuels the soul and unlike earthly fuels, it’s replenishable; the more you use, the more you gain. It is the starting point of a great adventure; it is not the finish line but the starters pistol to finding the great wisdom and understanding of the Universe that you crave. Proceed with truth and your journey will be fulfilling.

Reversed Meaning:
But for every yes, there is a no – enlightenment is nothing but a choice and it may seem easier to make the other one. So, consider with the reverse of Kenaz, that you are turning away from the insights and knowledge that are being offered.

Converse (face down):
Unseen, Kenaz can lead down two paths:
a)       The dangers of a false trail which is being portrayed as a true path.
b)      A great power/energy concealed in darkness and cold.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Starry Haul 3 - Here Come the Boys (of Avalon) and Smudglings and Hawthorn Salts, Oh My!

Oh the many talents of Joey Morris; this is the review of my third order from Starry Eyed Supplies and it is a very good one. Let’s get started:

«     Merlin Beeswax Taper
There is nothing I like more than a green candle; no energy I welcome more openly than an Avalonian legend and this taper has both; Merlin is known worldwide as a magician, wizard, sorcerer, practitioner of the old ways, whether you have studied the myths or watched portrayals on tv and in movies and boy does his energy come through like a comet when holding this beeswax. His magick, his wisdom, his integrity… even his beard; they all come through with a flair of greeny ‘shimmy-shimmy’. The seven obsidian chips that run down one side of the candle also hold significance for me.

Number 7
I have only recently starting a practical study and application of numerology (late to the number party) but growing up the number 7 was considered lucky. Since starting my numerology study, I have discovered that 7 is the number of seeking, thinking and searching for the truth; the number of understanding very few things are only as they appear on the surface and that is very much aligned with Merlin… he was when he lived and remains in the astral in search of more knowledge because as we all know, knowledge is power.

Any black crystal holds a special place in my heart but because obsidian is often utilised for scrying, it is again an indicator of searching for hidden depths or meanings of a person, situation, place, etc. I think the placement of these crystals indicates Merlin’s seer qualities, as well as linking this taper with those of the Sorceresses of Avalon range, which also have obsidian chips in their aesthetic.

«     King Arthur Beeswax Taper
I will admit, I wasn’t sure about the colour choice at first… the inky reddish-purple possibly wouldn’t have been where my mind went immediately if it had been me at the crafting table for this but I trust Joey’s knowledge, skill and energy so I went with it. When it arrived it was perfect… the colour reminds me of deep, luxurious royal robes, it is a colour that would suit velvet well and certainly the colour of a Sovereign. The golden shimmy-shimmy which I assume is applied by rolling the wax through glitter is perfectly proportioned, it’s not over done to the point of a child's craft table and yet it’s not so little that it seems accidental. I love this taper; the traits which are attributed to Arthur as a King come through beautifully – the justice of his reign, the generosity of his spirit and the love of his Camelot.

Number 4
I will start with the numerology of the obsidian pieces on this taper. Number 4 is an indicator masculinity, strength and stability; he is dependable and productive, organised, trustworthy and patient – these are wonderful qualities of a King and very indicative of Arthur as a King; I hope our future King reigns with such qualities.

Obsidian & Royalty
I have not delved deep enough yet into the histories of obsidian to know whether it is something that may have been used by Arthur, whether it was even in the area at the time Arthur is said to have ruled but for the energy of this candle, I can imagine His tunic to have obsidian buttons, I see arrow heads of obsidian and perhaps tinctures were kept in obsidian bottles.

«     Seasons of Trees Smudgling Set

Before I begin my review of these tiny pots of gorgeousness, I will mention I have deemed all smudglings ‘sniff-pots’; I brought them with the intention of using them as smudges but they are too delicious to do that so I am using them to induce a specific energy base prior to meditation. Just as a sidebar, I will not go into the ingredients I recognise in these smudglings because I respect Jo’s secret blends and recipes and also her desire to keep her crafting tricks and techniques private.

Dawn of Trees is the Spring smudgling; freshness, new life, growth and regenerated energy are the emanating goodies that come from this smudge. When I stick my nose in there, I imagine myself to be a very hungry bee who catches this scent of the breeze and heads straight to the bee-equivalent of an all-you-can-eat buffet. It is sweet and delicate, beautifully balanced and has a very charming note of dancing fae. Stunningly golden light of new sunbeams is what I am reminded of by looking into this smudge; I think of those dancing fae and the sunlight through their wings. Gorgeous!!!

Warrior of Trees is like a bubbling cauldron of strength. I don’t find the scent overwhelming which is refreshing and puts me in mind of simply laying in a meadow, but the energy is magnificent… there is a gorgeous element of stealth in the smudgling, the energy creeps up on me, much like the sun creeps up on us, growing stronger until suddenly, it’s Summer and we are amid the blinding light and sweltering heat. This energy has that power, the stealth of the sun as it ripens the tree to it’s peak level of radiance. The colours are most striking in this mini smudge… the burning orange against the softer yellow like the flaming sun through the leafy canopy.

Last Dance of Trees has the most mellow, calming, relaxed scent which transports me to a wilting forest with mulch beneath my feet and a fading sun setting amongst the reds and golds of the autumnal leaves. You may notice from how I describe this that Autumn is my favourite season in the cycle and the smudglings. I am in awe of this beautiful aroma which is both cooling to the mind and warming to the heart. The aesthetic is strands of golden yellow on dark brown and looking at it, I am watching the limbs of a mighty oak sway in the cool breeze as the last of it’s leaves, silhouetted against the sun, dance to the ground.

Winter Crown of Trees has an unexpected scent. The first time I opened it, I expected, something sharp and cold to enter my sense but that is not the case. Based on trees, I feel this scent follows the hibernation cycle of the tree through Winter. Though titled ‘Crown of Trees’, the scent takes me to the roots of trees, warm in the earth, hidden from the cold surface frosts. I therefore feel that warmth spreading out to the tips of each branch and twig, to keep it just ticking over while the world spins frozen beneath it. An inky black-blue against the golden yellows certainly mirror barren branches against a blinding winter sun but the scent is all that rest and renewal energy which happens away from prying eyes.

As a pre-requisite to this section of the review, I am purchasing all Ogham Pristess Blessing Salts as the Celtic Calendar progresses. I am on a mission to work Joey into a crafting frenzy because she’s amusing when frenzied – lol! Anyway, on with the salts…

«     Hawthorn Priestess Blessing Salts
This product encompasses perfectly the wheel turning from Spring to Summer; Celtic traditions when adapted into an organised calendar placed the named the month of Huath/Uath for the Hawthorn tree; this month is the transition between what we know as May and June. This is a time of growing heat, lengthening days, flowers everywhere and an abundance of beautiful nature. The salts Joey has produced brings all of that together into a product which can be utilised through bathing/cleansing, through magick & ritual, while maintaining a more understated energy which is more easily used for meditation. While my research of Hawthorn brings me to traditions of it being considered masculine, having the salts bring out a Priestess energy creates a balance which I find aids meditation seamlessly. This is one of the strongest scented salts I have ordered so far but as it contains lots of botanicals worked through the salts and energising them with Huath goodness, I am not surprised. This is a very strongly magickal salt and I shall use it with reverence to deeply connect to the magicks that surround me.

Find all these products and more at:
Starry Eyed Supplies

Or, for products with energies you personally feel aligned to, contact Joey at the 

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Wittering on… 25/05/16 – New Directions, Oracle Decks and Back to Posting

 I’ll start with getting back to posting on my blog. I had a colossal downtime which was not just a break from posting but also a break from practising… I have barely been witchy for 18 months with the exception of a few bright spots when I’ve felt a passing inspiration flirting with me, I haven’t been able to hold onto to it for a long time. It has kept me disappointed in myself that I was unable to manifest the energy, inspiration or self-esteem to keep putting my practice out there. Nothing particularly brought me down into that funk but it was one of those situations that with the level of enthusiasm I started with and which I maintained for over a year… attacking study of Runes and Ogham ferociously and reinterpreting them for myself, I burned myself out, mentally and spiritually. There have been several times when I thought I was ready to come back but it was that mirage effect – one or two posts and I was once again plunged into that place of lacking. I did finally get the message and stopped trying to get back, trusting that it would happen in its own time and when I felt a desire to practice and write again, it would just happen because I felt a spiritual urge to do it. The desire to write was a hard thing to let go of and I mourned the loss of it; the level of trust in finding my path again was also very difficult to maintain given that I was doing nothing to guide myself back to it. However, the clouds have parted and I am invigorated with a new sense of magick and spirituality which will become apparent as I once again take up my studies of all things witchy (hopefully with a little more self control). So, to what I will be posting:

«     Rune Interpretations/Rune Magicks. These are the posts that did me in last time I was posting; I love runes as a method of divination and of magick but because of that I get engrossed so they will be coming back but in a less involved form – she said with fingers crossed. I am almost completed with Raido, the rune that knocked me on my spiritual ass for over a year but it has been a difficult energy to wrangle and work with so is currently on the back burner. My next rune will be Kenaz which I hope to work on through June… there will still be two categories to my rune posts, both interpretations and magicks so please watch this space for those posts.

«     Magick of the Day. I loved having this idea and it started last year with the concept of looking at the magick of days; it began with looking at Sunday magicks and though I was very happy with that post, it was one of those bright spots in the darkness of my magickal slump which was born of a brief awakening from my spiritual slumber. So in case you didn’t see the original post, this idea evolved from posting about magicks to perform on certain days of the week into posting everyday on a magickal energy – a colour, a crystal, a herb, an oil, a day, an hour, a moon phase, etc. I might make it Magick of the Week so it’s not so difficult to keep up with but it will be regular posting on something witchy.

«     Spell Spin. I’m not sure about this idea anymore; I loved it originally, the concept being to put my spin on different spells published in popular spell books. The problem with continuing with this is that I don’t really use published spells anymore… for the last 10 years I have written my own spells and rituals for a higher energy, deeper connection and more dedicated intention. I was writing my own spells when I started the section and so posted spells that I had changed/evolved to my taste in the past. Unfortunately, I ran out of those but will leave them posted for anyone who would like to see how to adapt a published spell.

«     ‘Reflecting on…’ My reflections will be back, I am currently reflecting on the Sun, given the time of year and it will be a sister post to my Sunday Magick from Magick of the Day. I do however have some very big topics coming up, including: Death, Love, and Curses. As those are big posts, they will be spread out through the year and likely to come in a few parts. I will also have the more light hearted ones, based on philosophies or spiritual memes.

«     Other Stuff. Well, there’s a few other things that I’ve posted in the past… Animal Adoption links, Witchy Hauls, etc and all those little in between posts which I publish when I’m working on more substantial things will be back too so look forward to the recommendations, silliness and craziness… like Fledgewatch from 2014 and exerts from my Book of Shadows, like my Inspiration Page.

Oracle Decks
This is a new direction for me; inspired by the one and only Mandi See, I created an Oracle Deck specifically for her based on the Aspects of Self video she posted. I have already published on this recently so I won’t witter on about it again but I am so pleased that she was happy with them and practically giddy with excitement.

The second deck I am creating is called ‘Daughter of the Morrigan’ for the incomparable Joey Morris. These cards are currently still in the design phase of creation but I am showcasing a few of my favourites:

Oracle Orders

If anyone would be interested in one of my personalised decks, please contact me privately via facebook or email. They take 4-6 weeks to make dependant on whether it is a Self Deck like Mandi’s or a Deity & Self Deck like Joey’s. Price is variable based on size of cards and size of deck but will generally be between £15 and £25. They will have a matching personalised box which I make from scratch. I do not employ a professional printing outlet, this is a hand made product.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

25,000 Views - Hurrah!

It is with great pride and pleasure that I announce and celebrate 25000 views of my blog. I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read my reflections, magicks, rune interpretations and general witchy witterings on all sorts of things. I know my content has been scarce for a while but I am backin full swing of studying and practicing my craft so I will be posting much more frequently from now on. Also, many, many thanks for the comments and feedback everyone has given over the last few years… I consider you all a great asset to me and my future workings.

Much love and many blessings

x)O(x Acantha Rayne x)O(x

Monday, 16 May 2016

Book of Shadows - Spell Pages – Healing Page

Oh, this has been a long time coming. I have wanted to bring this idea to manifestation for so long but for some reason the timing wasn’t right or the energies were off and I just couldn’t bring it out of my mind and into my Book of Shadows. Therefore, it is with a great sigh of relief that I relax my shoulders, breathe deeply and exult in its presence. A true labour love was undertaken to create this amazing working which sends gentle healing energy through the aether to a million recipients for a plethora of ailments, problems and issues that need a little healing energy to nudge them in a more positive direction.

So here we are and my Healing Page is ready for regular application into my practice. It is a two page entry into the ‘Spell Pages’ section of my Book of Shadows…
«     Spell Page: Explanation of the healing energies and the mood and motivation required to send the energies; the ritual method of the spell with the items needed and how to perform the ritual; the element invocation I wrote and employ for…

«     Recipient Page: This is the page that lists the names of those I will be sending healing to; for privacy reasons I will not show that page but in addition to family, friends and requested names to be on the list, I have added the Royal Family, all the Armed Forces, all the emergency services, as well as teacher, social workers, carers, charity workers, foster carers, freedom fighters, and aid workers, etc. All those people who might not necessarily need healing but need something, just a little energy boost. This spell I have devised covers all of those little down-moods, dark days, as well as the aches and pains. 

As it’s not very easy to see the actual working on the image, I have added the write up below. Please feel free to use it as it is or make your own adaptations to suit your practise. I’d love to see any changes you make if you choose to take on this idea for your own Books of Shadows.

The Ritual
·        5 tea light candles or spell candles
·        A healing crystal (Blue Calcite)

1.          Cast a circle, inclusive of calling the quarters, this is vital as this rite utilises them.
2.        Light your working candle, then ground and centre. This is necessary so that when you send you healing, your only energy is in good condition.
3.        Place the candles at the pentacle points on the opposite page and light them. Place the healing crystal in the centre of them. Visualise an energy pentagram over the printed one between the candle flames.
4.       Raise and manifest healing energy to the hands by drawing from the rune and Ogham symbols and using the surrounding rhyme/invocation/chant; this will also charge the energy as it manifests. For me the healing manifests as bluey grey smoke, swirling, pluming and thick.
5.        I push this energy through the visualised pentacle to every person listed, see it travel through the crystal, circling the page, gathering its list of ‘patients’. Visualise it disperse into the aether as it takes your healing out.

Element/Direction Association

I thought I would take the time to mention, as you will probably notice, that the associations between elements and directions are not traditional. This is by design and specifically changed to assist my energy flow during ritual. I’ll go through them individually with the reasoning behind each.

This is not an uncommon switch as Earth and Air are often interchangeable between North and East but my choice is based on two things. Firstly, I am an Air sign and therefore I consider this element my personal North; the second reason is because physical air that we breathe is north of the physical earth; everyone on the planet breaths in the air that is above them and around them…this is a connection I will use to send healing.

This decision was based on the Sun. As the largest body in the sky, it feels like the most sensible representation of constant fire and the first place I see it, just like the rest of the world, is in the East as it rises. Again, this connection will be a channel for healing.

I walk with the earth beneath my feet… as does everybody else; the Earth is South of every physical body; this is a connection everyone on the planet shares and I am using this connection as a channel for healing.

Quite apart from being the last available pairing, the nearest body of water to me, at least a place where I visit, is in the West. Also as I consider water to be the opposite of fire, it made sense to me to make the directions opposite of these two elements opposite as well. The connection here is that we all use water and so regardless of how we use it, what its condition is or how much or little we have of it… water links us as a form of sustenance.

Many Blessings x)O(x