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Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Wittering on… 25/05/16 – New Directions, Oracle Decks and Back to Posting

 I’ll start with getting back to posting on my blog. I had a colossal downtime which was not just a break from posting but also a break from practising… I have barely been witchy for 18 months with the exception of a few bright spots when I’ve felt a passing inspiration flirting with me, I haven’t been able to hold onto to it for a long time. It has kept me disappointed in myself that I was unable to manifest the energy, inspiration or self-esteem to keep putting my practice out there. Nothing particularly brought me down into that funk but it was one of those situations that with the level of enthusiasm I started with and which I maintained for over a year… attacking study of Runes and Ogham ferociously and reinterpreting them for myself, I burned myself out, mentally and spiritually. There have been several times when I thought I was ready to come back but it was that mirage effect – one or two posts and I was once again plunged into that place of lacking. I did finally get the message and stopped trying to get back, trusting that it would happen in its own time and when I felt a desire to practice and write again, it would just happen because I felt a spiritual urge to do it. The desire to write was a hard thing to let go of and I mourned the loss of it; the level of trust in finding my path again was also very difficult to maintain given that I was doing nothing to guide myself back to it. However, the clouds have parted and I am invigorated with a new sense of magick and spirituality which will become apparent as I once again take up my studies of all things witchy (hopefully with a little more self control). So, to what I will be posting:

«     Rune Interpretations/Rune Magicks. These are the posts that did me in last time I was posting; I love runes as a method of divination and of magick but because of that I get engrossed so they will be coming back but in a less involved form – she said with fingers crossed. I am almost completed with Raido, the rune that knocked me on my spiritual ass for over a year but it has been a difficult energy to wrangle and work with so is currently on the back burner. My next rune will be Kenaz which I hope to work on through June… there will still be two categories to my rune posts, both interpretations and magicks so please watch this space for those posts.

«     Magick of the Day. I loved having this idea and it started last year with the concept of looking at the magick of days; it began with looking at Sunday magicks and though I was very happy with that post, it was one of those bright spots in the darkness of my magickal slump which was born of a brief awakening from my spiritual slumber. So in case you didn’t see the original post, this idea evolved from posting about magicks to perform on certain days of the week into posting everyday on a magickal energy – a colour, a crystal, a herb, an oil, a day, an hour, a moon phase, etc. I might make it Magick of the Week so it’s not so difficult to keep up with but it will be regular posting on something witchy.

«     Spell Spin. I’m not sure about this idea anymore; I loved it originally, the concept being to put my spin on different spells published in popular spell books. The problem with continuing with this is that I don’t really use published spells anymore… for the last 10 years I have written my own spells and rituals for a higher energy, deeper connection and more dedicated intention. I was writing my own spells when I started the section and so posted spells that I had changed/evolved to my taste in the past. Unfortunately, I ran out of those but will leave them posted for anyone who would like to see how to adapt a published spell.

«     ‘Reflecting on…’ My reflections will be back, I am currently reflecting on the Sun, given the time of year and it will be a sister post to my Sunday Magick from Magick of the Day. I do however have some very big topics coming up, including: Death, Love, and Curses. As those are big posts, they will be spread out through the year and likely to come in a few parts. I will also have the more light hearted ones, based on philosophies or spiritual memes.

«     Other Stuff. Well, there’s a few other things that I’ve posted in the past… Animal Adoption links, Witchy Hauls, etc and all those little in between posts which I publish when I’m working on more substantial things will be back too so look forward to the recommendations, silliness and craziness… like Fledgewatch from 2014 and exerts from my Book of Shadows, like my Inspiration Page.

Oracle Decks
This is a new direction for me; inspired by the one and only Mandi See, I created an Oracle Deck specifically for her based on the Aspects of Self video she posted. I have already published on this recently so I won’t witter on about it again but I am so pleased that she was happy with them and practically giddy with excitement.

The second deck I am creating is called ‘Daughter of the Morrigan’ for the incomparable Joey Morris. These cards are currently still in the design phase of creation but I am showcasing a few of my favourites:

Oracle Orders

If anyone would be interested in one of my personalised decks, please contact me privately via facebook or email. They take 4-6 weeks to make dependant on whether it is a Self Deck like Mandi’s or a Deity & Self Deck like Joey’s. Price is variable based on size of cards and size of deck but will generally be between £15 and £25. They will have a matching personalised box which I make from scratch. I do not employ a professional printing outlet, this is a hand made product.

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