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Monday, 16 May 2016

Book of Shadows - Spell Pages – Healing Page

Oh, this has been a long time coming. I have wanted to bring this idea to manifestation for so long but for some reason the timing wasn’t right or the energies were off and I just couldn’t bring it out of my mind and into my Book of Shadows. Therefore, it is with a great sigh of relief that I relax my shoulders, breathe deeply and exult in its presence. A true labour love was undertaken to create this amazing working which sends gentle healing energy through the aether to a million recipients for a plethora of ailments, problems and issues that need a little healing energy to nudge them in a more positive direction.

So here we are and my Healing Page is ready for regular application into my practice. It is a two page entry into the ‘Spell Pages’ section of my Book of Shadows…
«     Spell Page: Explanation of the healing energies and the mood and motivation required to send the energies; the ritual method of the spell with the items needed and how to perform the ritual; the element invocation I wrote and employ for…

«     Recipient Page: This is the page that lists the names of those I will be sending healing to; for privacy reasons I will not show that page but in addition to family, friends and requested names to be on the list, I have added the Royal Family, all the Armed Forces, all the emergency services, as well as teacher, social workers, carers, charity workers, foster carers, freedom fighters, and aid workers, etc. All those people who might not necessarily need healing but need something, just a little energy boost. This spell I have devised covers all of those little down-moods, dark days, as well as the aches and pains. 

As it’s not very easy to see the actual working on the image, I have added the write up below. Please feel free to use it as it is or make your own adaptations to suit your practise. I’d love to see any changes you make if you choose to take on this idea for your own Books of Shadows.

The Ritual
·        5 tea light candles or spell candles
·        A healing crystal (Blue Calcite)

1.          Cast a circle, inclusive of calling the quarters, this is vital as this rite utilises them.
2.        Light your working candle, then ground and centre. This is necessary so that when you send you healing, your only energy is in good condition.
3.        Place the candles at the pentacle points on the opposite page and light them. Place the healing crystal in the centre of them. Visualise an energy pentagram over the printed one between the candle flames.
4.       Raise and manifest healing energy to the hands by drawing from the rune and Ogham symbols and using the surrounding rhyme/invocation/chant; this will also charge the energy as it manifests. For me the healing manifests as bluey grey smoke, swirling, pluming and thick.
5.        I push this energy through the visualised pentacle to every person listed, see it travel through the crystal, circling the page, gathering its list of ‘patients’. Visualise it disperse into the aether as it takes your healing out.

Element/Direction Association

I thought I would take the time to mention, as you will probably notice, that the associations between elements and directions are not traditional. This is by design and specifically changed to assist my energy flow during ritual. I’ll go through them individually with the reasoning behind each.

This is not an uncommon switch as Earth and Air are often interchangeable between North and East but my choice is based on two things. Firstly, I am an Air sign and therefore I consider this element my personal North; the second reason is because physical air that we breathe is north of the physical earth; everyone on the planet breaths in the air that is above them and around them…this is a connection I will use to send healing.

This decision was based on the Sun. As the largest body in the sky, it feels like the most sensible representation of constant fire and the first place I see it, just like the rest of the world, is in the East as it rises. Again, this connection will be a channel for healing.

I walk with the earth beneath my feet… as does everybody else; the Earth is South of every physical body; this is a connection everyone on the planet shares and I am using this connection as a channel for healing.

Quite apart from being the last available pairing, the nearest body of water to me, at least a place where I visit, is in the West. Also as I consider water to be the opposite of fire, it made sense to me to make the directions opposite of these two elements opposite as well. The connection here is that we all use water and so regardless of how we use it, what its condition is or how much or little we have of it… water links us as a form of sustenance.

Many Blessings x)O(x

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