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Sunday, 19 April 2015

Magick of the Day - Sundays

Well this is a new category for my blog and I am very pleased with the idea; I am hoping it will inspire me to post more about the daily magicks I practice, perform and live. Some days it will be a focus on the magick of a particular correspondence or association – this may be a particular day, colour, planet, tree, etc., within these posts I will show, describe and/or explain how I utilize the subjects energies in workings; at other times it will be a specific working. As this is the first one, I am going to post about Sundays – being the first day of any given week, I thought it most fitting for the occasion.

Correspondence & Associations

Correspondence or Association
Ruling Planet
Magickal Time
Sunrise, 8th, 16th and 24th hour of day
Astrological Sign
Meditational Focus
Beginnings, Renewal, Growth
Helios, Brighid, Ra, Mithra, Apollo
Quartz, Diamond, Carnelian, Amber. Citrine, Tiger’s Eye
Herbs & Plants
Marigold, Sunflower, Cinnamon, Calendula, Heliotrope, Buttercup, Cedar, Beech, Oak
Magickal Intent
Agriculture, Beauty, Hope, Victory, Self-Expression & Creativity, Success, Fame, Promotion, Wealth, Prosperity,

Magick on Sunday
A Sunday Circle
The creation of a circle, as I have mentioned in other posts, can be wonderfully tailored to a specific association – when I am choosing to create it with Sunday particularities, I will use the information above to accent it. For example, I would use a quartz or citrine tipped wand, preferably made of the Oak or Cedar wood which corresponds to this day and when walking my circle to cast visualise the circle forming of golden energy, like rays of the sun. Physically, I would mark it with other crystals associated with this day, most likely Carnelian or Tiger’s Eye; I also use an incense blend to physically cast, using a combination of cinnamon, calendula and cedar chips.

Sun on Sunday
I find absorbing and using the energy of the Sun, whether it is shining or not, a delightful addition to Sunday magicks. There are several practices I use on a Sunday before I perform magicks, preparatory exercises:
The Sun Salutation

Submerge & Emerge
(a combined grounding and centring process).
This is almost a meditational process in itself but I consider it more a visualisation. It can be done with any of the elements but as this is a post about Sundays, I will use fire as my element of choice. It may seem a strange concept to use fire as a catalyst of grounding but it works for me and so I use it often.
Ø    Find a place outside where you will not be disturbed. This should be somewhere you are surrounded by the elements as much as possible.
Ø    Close your eyes and find the calm place in your mind where you are granted access to the unseen.
Ø    Your astral body will do the journeying from this point. Set it to step forward as if moving into an invisible elevator… this takes you from your physical body. With your thoughts projecting your astral body, expand an echo of your aura around it.
Ø    Allow yourself to sink into the earth; keep the elevator metaphor going if it helps. Your astral body descends through the layers of soil, deeper and deeper. Take time to do this, sense everything and as you descend toward the centre of this planet we call home attune your energy so it aligns with that of the earth. Let the surrounding element absorb from your astral body and the echo of your aura all of your scattered, negative or discarded energyThis will prepare your energy for what is to come.
Ø    As your journey continues, you will feel the molten heat of the earths centre reaching out to meet you… let it guide you to its liquid fire. When you reach the golden core, don’t stop; keep sinking until you are immersed in it.
Ø    Let the energy emitted from your molten surroundings swirl, swish and sway around you; really feel the energy of being at the centre of the earth
Ø    Mirror the lava’s ability to be a perpetual and powerful core by opening your solar plexus chakra and drawing the ability in. Let it glow within the chakra, see how it reacts with your energy, feel how it changes the flow before the two energies assimilate within the chakra allowing you to feel connected completely to the earth and its fiery core.
Ø    When you are ready to return to your physical body, close your solar plexus chakra and begin your ascent back through the earth. Notice if the added ‘fire-power’ changes the journey? My personal practice with this particular technique made me notice the reds in the soil more and feel the vibration of the molten depths below me.
Ø    Before reaching the surface and your body, use the new fiery power of your solar plexus to centre yourself as if your entire energy field is oxygen-based and that fire blazing in your solar centre is consuming it.
Ø    When you break the surface and return to your body, you will be more grounded and centred than you can possibly imagine… ready to work with all the energies of the Universe.

Drawing Down the Sun
The Sun is the most powerful body that we are aware of in the sky; providing heat, light and some much needed mystery. The golden beams touch every inch of our planet at some point in any given day creating a bright warm glow on all they find. This golden energy can be invoked and used for magickal purposes by ‘Drawing Down the Sun’, a ritual which has been practiced for many years to gain, align and possibly assimilate with this strong energy. I personally choose to see it as a masculine energy because of it’s strength and cycle. There is a great comfort in that for me – that the Sun is masculine and the Moon is feminine. I draw down both energies in ritual to feel closer to both the Universe and to the God and Goddess aspects of it which I identify with.

To see my ritual for Drawing Down the Sun, please follow this link

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