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Sunday, 9 March 2014

Rune Magick - Thurisaz

Before I talk about the magicks I have written, I would like to apologise for my delay in posting this; the information has taken a long time to formulate and as Thurisaz is a darker rune, I struggled to accept its energies. I have now written 3 spells with the 4th (a meditation) to be written up either later today or tomorrow. This post will expand and be re-shared as it does, so please bookmark the page and check back regularly.

Blessed Be, AcanthaRayne x

Thurisaz is an unusual rune for practising magick. It has darker connotations than the others which some may find trying to work with but as a darker rune it is perfect for shadow work; purification & protection; it can even be used for the monumental task of dispelling negative energy. These are the magicks I will be exploring and explaining in this post.

Thurisaz Talismans
A talisman is a mobile form of power. My first instinct for a Thurisaz talisman was Shadow Work as its ‘chaotic’ nature would align very well with working on ones inner demons. However, there is more than one way to utilise this energy and shadow work can take many forms; it does not need to be tackled directly.

I have practiced both of these two talismans I have created whilst I have been away from posting, which is actually why I have been away from posting. Thurisaz is a powerful energy and should not be used for magick without proper preparation and protection.

Type 1 – Crystal Talisman

I personally choose to make this at the full moon as I have been using shadow work for a little while and this is to help me with it but if you are new to shadow work and are building tools for it, I would make this at the new moon. Of course, this is a personal preference/suggestion and you are free to adjust it to what feels right for you.

You will need:
  • A black organza bag
  • 1 clear quartz
  • 1 moonstone
  • 1 bloodstone
  • 1 tsp each - sage, bay & mugwort

What to do:
  • Ground, centre and cast your circle.
  • Cleanse all items; the herbs will not require cleansing as they are all naturally purified
  • Draw the runic symbol of Thurisaz on the bag: X.
  • Add the crystals to bag the individually:
  • First the clear quartz; hold it in your dominant hand and charge it with the intent of keeping your mind clear. Add it to the bag and recite:
Quartz I place within this spell
To clear my mind and fears quell
  • Second the moonstone; again hold in your dominant hand and charge it with the purpose of purifying your heart so that you when you proceed with your shadow work, it is for no motive other than self-improvement. Add it to the bag, and say:
Moonstone made of Goddess light
Restore my heart to shine so bright
  • Third, the bloodstone; this stone is to be charged (again in the dominant hand), with its task of keeping you consciously present during a working:
Bloodstone keep my mortal coil
Anchored by roots in the soil
  • Meditate briefly on the bag as it is. Held within is the power to clear your mind, purify your heart and keep you anchored to the earth whilst you use shadow work magickally. I charge the bag as a whole at this point before adding the herbs. Mainly because I take every opportunity to add more rhymes into spell work. I find it increases the energy and makes it harder for the energy to dissipate over time. So at this point, after the brief meditation, I recite:
My mind is clear, my heart is pure
So as my spirit does delve or soar
I am present when this power is near
And Thurisaz won’t bring me fear
  • Now to the herbs: add them individually or as a mix. It’s really up to you. I find adding them individually makes the intention clearer but adding them as a mix makes it stronger. I like to add them individually, as I recite:
Sage has power cleanse and clean
Bay protects me from what’s unseen
Mugwort strengthens energies round
By these powers, the spell is bound
  • The final part of the spell is to bind it; this spell binding is not my own. It is from the ‘Enhancing your Mind, Body & Spirit’ magazine series: publisher – unknown.
Air, Fire, Water Earth
Bind this spell at its birth
From ground below and sky above
May this charm be filled with love.
  • I recite this binding 3 times (mainly for emphasis) and knot the bag. As you tie your knot you are binding your wish into the talisman.

Type 2 – Ribbon Talisman
Thurisaz is a rune of chaos and its dominant polarity is masculinity so I devised this talisman with +Shiann Raven Moon  to gain masculine energy in order to restore balance.

You will need:
3x thin bamboo sticks (2x 3” & 1x 6”)
Bright red paint
Gold Glitter
Glue gun
3x 12”x5mm ribbons – black, red, maroon
Blackthorn or Oak Oil

How to make it:
Shape the ends of the bamboo sticks so they will form a Thurisaz symbol when joined together.

Paint all 3 pieces of bamboo with the red paint, roll them in gold glitter and leave them in the sun to dry.

Anoint the three rods with either Blackthorn or Oak oil – I haven’t seen this oil being sold so I make my own by infusing tree leaves from your chosen tree into your favourite base oil.
Bamboo of protection and strength
Elements amassed within your length
With this oil I charge and anoint
From your centre to each point
Draw in the power it gives
So in you it always lives
Once again leave the oil to dry off in sun light.

Use the glue gun to join the 3 bamboo pieces together into the Thurisaz rune symbol. Leave to one side.

Plait the ribbons tightly so they are a strong force of masculine energy. As you do this, visualise all that masculinity represents to you; all that you feel your own duality of spirit of missing. Knot each end to seal the energy into the plait.
Black, the bringer of obscurity
Red to manifest security
Maroon, all brave and strong
Combine into a masculine song
Ribbon Charge partly written by +Shiann Raven Moon 

Once the glue has dried on the bamboo structure, feed the ribbon plait through the triangular gap in the Thurisaz and tie the two ends together.


How to use it:
Within circle, mount the talisman upright in a large lump of red plasticine or sticky tack on a flat surface (e.g. your altar).

Take hold of the plaited ribbon loop and pull it taut; but not too tight or it will topple.

Close your eyes and visualise the masculine energy in the plait flowing into your hand and through your body. As the energy travels through you, take it to where you feel you are lacking the balance of duality.

Allow the energy to circulate through your spiritual body before you return it to the plait to recharge for next time.

Thurisaz & Fire
Fire is the most purifying element of them all in some ways. It is ferocious in its application, fast in its delivery and is not prejudice about destroying anything that gets in its way; it is therefore well matched with the rune of Thurisaz. They are both masculine energies and when used in tandem, they can achieve strong magickal ends. This spell is to banish unwanted ‘anything’ and should be performed during a waning moon.
You will need:
  • Scissors/template cutter
  • 3cm disks made of gold card
  • A red pen
  • A fire pit/ burning bin
  • Birch kindling for the fire

1.          Ground & Centre outdoors
2.       Cast your circle.
3.        Place the birch kindling ready for lighting the fire in the south area of your circle.
4.      Cut out the disks with scissors or a template cutter.
5.        Write on the card disks –the gold side - the ‘things’ you wish to remove from your life (it can be an addiction, a rivalry, a personality trait); on the back, draw a Thurisaz symbol.

1.          Charge the birch wood with its purpose – banishing by drawing a banishing pentagram over the wood three times whilst reciting the following:
When come the powers of banishing fire
To purify that which must retire
Brings salamanders of the flame
Let them feed, and take and claim
That which marked by Thorn is thrown
To the realms of the unknown
Let them perish, claimed by death
Your smoke to take their final breath
2.       Set a fire burning in the fire pit with the birch wood.
3.        Meditate on the fire and call the salamanders to your aid:
I call forth from the elemental plane
The salamanders through the flame
And ask you aid my quest this night
Rid me of woe, conflict and plight
4.      Throw your disks into the fire, one at a time. With each one, recite:
Elementals in this banishment fire
I ask you take, for I don’t require
This woe and conflict in my life
Take it now, relieve my strife  
5.        Once all of the disks have burned, release the salamanders:
Salamanders, I release, to the Elemental plane
Find your way back through the flame
I give thanks for your aid this night
In my battle against conflict and plight
Release written by +Shiann Raven Moon  
6.        Close your circle and once again, ground & centre.

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