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Monday, 17 March 2014

Rune Magick - Thurisaz Meditations

Aura Defence Meditations
Thurisaz, like all things in the magickal world has a number of diverse uses and so, as well as being the bringer of chaos, it can be used to heal and defend too. The aura is your personal energy field and as such requires both healing (or at least regular maintenance) and it requires defending against negative influences. Thurisaz can offer these things when fused into the aura during meditation. I therefore offer three meditation choices on this post: the first is purely defensive – I like to call it the Thorn Bomb; the second is protective – The Thurisaz Guard; and the third is for healing – Auric Asprin.

Thorn Bomb
This is a very defensive meditation; if you feel yourself under attack on a regular basis, psychic or otherwise, this method of arming your aura with Thurisaz power is a great way of levelling the playing field.
  1. Sit comfortably on the floor and light 3 red votive candles.
  2. Place them around you in a circle, approximately 3 feet away from your body – this is the approximate reach of the human aura – at least, it is the approximate reach of mine. These candles will serve as a barrier for the thorns. If you feel it necessary, you can charge them with this purpose:
Conceal the energy ebbs and flows
As my aura wanes and grows
Encircled wax create the frame
A protective shield of crimson flame
No attack can penetrate
Exterminate or extricate
While this circle is erect
Red defend, red protect
  1. Take several deep breaths to ground, centre and reach a meditative, relaxed state.
  2. Focus on bringing the image of your aura into your minds eye. Its colour and size are not important for this meditation but if you follow the fluctuations of your auric energy, take note of them anyway.
  3. Watch how it moves; does it swirl, does it have lightning streaks, plume like smoke? Once you see the aura clearly, expand it out to the edge of your candle circle, and then bring it in to your base chakra.
  4. Here, rotate the energy clockwise until it becomes a swirling sphere; turn the energy red, the strong powerful red of protection, courage and fire.
  5. Inside the sphere, visualise a Thurisaz symbol and let it absorb the sphere. When all of your auric energy is inside the Thurisaz, it will glow red.
  6. That glow will pulse, faster and faster, building in power and palpitation like a balloon growing until it pops.
  7. Let it pop; the explosion of energy will return your aura to its original state but there will be thorns protruding from the exterior of your energy.
  8. Once you are happy with the defensive energy of the thorns, bring yourself out of the meditation.
The Thurisaz Guard
There is a very comforting sense that you get from knowing you are guarded, protected. I call this meditation The Thurisaz Guard because the protrusion ofThurisaz' point is to me similar to a warriors sword or spear and this is how I drew inspiration for this meditation.
  1. Sit comfortably whilst you ground and centre.
  2. Hold a Carnelian Thurisaz rune and charge it with the following incantation:
Thurisaz, oh Thurisaz
In the aether please protect
Keep me safe and guarded
When my aura I project
  1. Close your eyes and breathe in deeply.
  2. Let your body relax and allow your mind to wander into the aether.
  3. Once you are in a state of meditation, manifest a visualisation of your aura and expand it to its outermost reach.
  4. Draw the image and energy of the rune symbol in your hand into your body; feel it travel through you, bring it to your third eye and project it out until you see it manifest in your aura.
  5. Move it outside your auric field; the line of its shape should be flush against your aura with the point facing outward.
  6. Once you have this visualisation solid, duplicate your Thurisaz ‘soldier’ so that there are many surrounding your aura, how number of ‘soldiers’ will depend greatly on the expanse of your aura.
  7. Call your ‘guard’ to arms with the following verse, spoken out loud or thought internally:
Thurisaz, oh Thurisaz
In the aether please protect
Keep me safe and guarded
When my aura I project
Let your thorn prove punishment
To any who wish me harm
Let it serve as warning
Or by all means to disarm
Your quest is hereby active
And will not be undone
So I ask that unless in defence
This guard will harm no one.
  1. At this point you can either continue to other astral/meditative work or come out of your meditation but the guard is active and will remain so until you choose to disarm/deactivate it. If you do wish to do that:
a)     Ground and centre
b)     Hold your carnelian Thurisaz rune
c)      Reach your meditative state.
d)     Expand your aura and visualise the guard in place.
e)     Recite:
Thurisaz, oh Thurisaz
In the aether you protect
You kept me safe and guarded
When my aura did project
But now your quest is over
For no threat is close at hand
In thanks I say farewell to you
For keeping me well manned.
Auric Asprin
I found a wonderfully inventive way to heal the aura in a similar way to how I subdue a headache – at least the physical act of subduing a headache. It’s not all meditation; it has some ritual elements too.

You will need:
  • Sugar paper
  • Chocolate pen (generally used to write on cakes)

1.         Cast a healing circle with lavender incense.
2.      Use the chocolate pen to draw a Thurisaz symbol 3 round pieces of sugar paper.
3.       Charge them by holding them in your hand and reciting:
Healing powers of the Thorn
Repair my aura where it’s worn
Ingested for a stronger boost
Auric damage be reduced.
4.     Eat each one in turn and then close your eyes.
5.       Take several deep breaths and reach your meditative state.
6.       Once you are aethric/astral expand your aura.
7.      Draw the energy from the ingested ‘runes’ with your visualisation skills out into your aura. The energy itself will appear as plumes of red smoke that expand as the energy pours into your aura.
8.       Let the smoke reach out to the edges of your aura and thicken in any darkened or thin areas.
9.      Once all damaged/weakened areas of the aura have been ‘smoked’, dissipate the smoke. The aura should be much brighter.
10.    Come out of your meditation slowly.

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