‘Once upon a time…’; the promise of a story
in which good triumphs over evil; the beginning of an adventure; an invitation
to explore the endless possibilities of the imagination. What magic is awaiting
us at the turn of a page…?
If I track my love of all things magical back to
any source in my past, I believe it would be the fairytales I read as a child. The
creation of something from special from thin air, the manipulation of elements
and energies; it was in these stories that my fate was sealed; how could I
resist? Though witches aren’t favourably depicted in these stories, and the
majority of their use of magick is dark, I found my path in between the
“higitus figitus” and “bibbity-bobbity-boo” of Disney’s portrayal.

I refused to let go of the magick created in
stories, I still do. I imagine the flutter of fairy wings on Midsummer Night’s
Eve; galloping unicorns in a secluded glade lit with the golden rays of a far,
far away land sunset; and the tune of a faun’s flute as the melody of nature
flows out; mermaids dancing in the white break of tumultuous waves; and my
favourite of all… witches. The portrayal of the ‘witch’ concept in fairytales
generally runs to the wicked or evil polarity but if you turn that on its head…
these women are powerful and determined, despite where the story places their
morality, they strive to better their circumstances which in some ways could be
responsible for the positive shift in feminism. I don’t hold a grudge for
witches being displayed as evil in fairytales, when these stories were written,
magickal power, especially women with magickal power were considered
unpredictable and selfish. In retrospect, they do make it harder to fight for
understanding of the magickal arts in the present time but I am thankful for a
cause… to fight for what I believe in and I am thankful for the characters…
strong, powerful women who in spite of their wicked deeds, believed in
something and acted on it.

From characters, to concepts…my unwavering belief
in love is another magick that I have kept from the fairytales… Cinderella,
Snow White, Sleeping Beauty… these stories are set in a time when women were
damsels in distress and men were the brave and chivalrous heroes who fought the
forces of evil and came to the aid of the princess. The times, they have
certainly changed but I think the values that drove those characters could be
revived; when women seized control of their own lives and learnt to fight for
themselves, the balance shifted; nothing could now minimise that power that was
seized, nor would I wish it to be but manners and respect could be increased
100-fold. We should act now so in the future, the 21st century can
be remembered as a time when the values from fairytales returned.
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