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Saturday, 16 April 2016

Starry Haul

It has been a long time since I blogged as I had a mahoosive energy block and took advantage of the downtime to indulge my other favourite things but I’m back and will be building up my posts slowly. I’m staring with this small order that I received last week from +Joey Morris (of Starry Eyed Supplies and YouTube).

I ordered:

The Amethyst Magickal Mixing Wand
Pretty much what is says on the label – lol! A slim and delicate tapered piece, with amethyst attached to the top end but I shall use it with pride to stir my botanicals.

This comprises a votive of the richest green wax I have ever seen with a gorgeous glittery sheen (“shimmy, shimmy” to quote the creator) to the top and bottom; the second item in the duo is the oil which is infused with tiny pieces of bark chips and other bits of botanical goodness… gorgeous. This has been used to anoint my Oak wand and will now be saved until Summer Solstice as part of my hibernation ritual for the wand; as the Holly King takes sovereignty, this duo will send the Oak King to his rest with honour.

Saille is one of my all time favourite Ogham energies and I often incorporate it into my practice so when I saw this product on Joey’s store, what came to mind was ‘I WANT, I WANT, I WANT’, out came the credit card… and I was not disappointed. The energy radiates from this blend like rays from the sun and it has already been and will continue to be used with reverence.

Well now, smudging is an integral part of my craft and when I opened this little jar… the power of spice that came from it nearly knocked me on my butt. It has a quality of Inidian spices which I love; so aromatic, so hot and it goes without saying… brimming with Phoenix energy. Haven’t used this one yet; after becoming familiar with the scent and meditating on a good time to use it, it will be saved for my Winter Solstice plans when I re-awaken my Oak Wand.

Wow. That’s pretty much all I can say is WOW!!! This little jar of herbals is POTENT. The scent is like riding the back of the wind (Got that line from Hook) and I can’t possibly burn it as a smudge until I have brought more because I’m addicted to sticking my nose in there for a whiff. The lavender comes through strongest for me but there’s a gorgeous mix of other goodies in there, I can tell. Not that I'd ever get the recipe, Joey guards that better than the Colonel guards his 11 herbs and spices.

Joey also takes requests… this is a service I have recently taken advantage of so there will be another post soon about those products and a link to her videos regarding them. I am so happy that I started purchasing from Starry Eyed Supplies and I intend to keep doing so for a long time. 

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