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Sunday, 21 September 2014

Rune Magick - Raido

Raido Talismans
Astral Dreaming
Astral travel is a fascinating phenomenon but some spiritual practitioners, even with training and preparation, struggle to achieve it whilst awake. As a rune with properties of movement, Raido can assist in travelling through the astral plane. This is more easily achieved in the dream state and so this talisman is created to make the transition into astral travel more harmonious.

You will need:
For the charm:
v     Pencil
v     1x transport charm (broom/car)
v     1x keyring split ring
v     1x 18”x3mm silver ribbon
v     1x 18”x3mm blue ribbon
v     1x 18”x3mm violet ribbon
v     Scissors

For the Raido oil:
v     10ml bottle
v     7.5ml base oil (hazelnut or almond)
v     1/2 tsp Mugwort
v     3 drops Myrrh
v     1x 1” square piece of paper
v     1x blue marker

What to do:
1.          One week before you intend to make the talisman, prepare the Raido Oil and charge it with its purpose:
a)       Pour the base oil into the bottle
b)      Add 3 drops of Myrrh oil, recap the lid and shake vigorously.
c)       Add the ½ tsp Mugwort, recap the lid and shake vigorously.
d)      Charge 1:
Myrrh & mugwort, bring your charge
To this oil’s power montage
Element of air infused
So its power can be used
e)       Draw a Raido symbol on the paper, roll it up so the symbol is on the outside and add to the bottle.
f)        Charge 2:
Rune of travel, rune of motion
Raido implement a notion
To this oil as it brews
Power of flight now infuse
g)       Recap the bottle and keep it somewhere cool for at least one week before using.
2.       Cut the ribbons to size and soak them in the Raido Oil.
3.    Make a double-knot in one end of the ribbon around a pencil so there’s a small loop. Thread this loop through the split ring.
4.    Plait the ribbons… as you do infuse them with your intent by visualising yourself flying through the astral plane in your chosen mode of transport.       
5.        Thread the transport charm onto the un-knotted end of the plait and tie it into a loop to match the one at the top. As you do, charge the charm:
A vessel for my astral ride
To aid my flight, be my guide
Let my body rest, restore
But take my mind, make it soar
6.        Neaten up the loose ends of the knot with scissors.
7.       Charge the talisman:
Thoughts and feelings locked away
Those not sensed by light of day
Grant me access in my sleep

So into consciousness they seep 

Hang over your bed, or keep under your pillow to aid is astral travel through dreaming.

Reiki-Raido Healing Stack
Inspired by the fairy stacks of Darren Williams

This talisman is a meditation aid and is to be used to connect to the Universe and send healing to a specific target; it will invoke not only the energy of Raido but also Reiki energy: the symbols of ‘Cho-Ku-Rei’, ‘Sei-He-Ki’ and ‘Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen’ which are respectively the Reiki representations of power, emotion and connection. Magick is the constant changing and blending of Universal energies charged and executed for a specific task. When these particular energies are blended they pack quite a punch and I am therefore combining them for the purpose of healing.

You will need:

  •  5x small, smooth, flat stone
  • Several coloured markers
  • A glue gun
  • Decorating items (paint, glitter, etc)
What to do:
1.   Wash the stones and practice stacking them in a sequence which is sturdy as well as feeling comfortable and being aesthetically pleasing to you.
2.    Once you’re comfortable decorate the stones how you want them to appear… paint, glitter, etc.  Leave space in the centre of each stone to draw your symbols and remember, once they are glued into the stack, you will only see the edges.
3.        Once your decorations have dried, draw your symbols… one on each stone –     

  •  1x Raido;
  • 2x Cho-Ku-Rei;
  •  1x Se-He-Ki;
  • 1x Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen
Make sure your symbols are drawn on the stones in the correct order so the energy of the stack will flow at its strongest.
           i)         Cho-Ku-Rei (base)
           ii)       Se-He-KI
          iii)      Hon-Sha_Ze-Sho-Nen
          iv)      Cho-Ku-Rei
           v)       Raido (top)
As you draw the symbols, visualise their energy infusing the stone… think of what it means, what colour it is, how it moves, what it does. Let those imaginings run through your hand into your symbol as it is drawn.

4. Heat the glue gun and begin to assemble your stack. Have all the symbols facing upward… once assembled the only symbol you will see is Raido on the top.

This item doesn’t particularly need to be charged – the symbols, if drawn correctly, are so powerful and imbued with such potent energy that even I find a charge practically redundant – however, I am a rhymaholic and incorporate a charge into how I use the stack and so am sharing what  I personally use with this stack…

How to use the Stack
Place the stack in the palm of your dominant hand and your receptive palm face down over the stack. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Journey to that place between the conscious and sub-conscious that place between reality and imagination where anything is possible and recite:
Power of strength, power of light
Flow from my aura brilliant and bright
Power to heal, power to calm
Be an elixir, a magickal balm
Journey the spiral of cho-ku-rei
Draw from the Universe what you may
Continue on to Sei-He-Ki
Gain its pure and cleansing energy
Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen now find
To shed the shackles of space and time
And onward spiral once again
Around the cho-ku-rei domain
With the gifts of Reiki blessed
Through Raido journey on your quest

Visualise the person/animal to which you are sending healing, see their face; see their energy and where it needs your help.
As well as the redundant charge, I also like to add a physical element to the healing too – for this I have a picture/photograph of the one who needs healing. When I recite the following words, I place my dominant hand, palm down against the photograph as a physical act of giving the healing. Send this light toward them, see it reach the darkened areas of their aura, their spirit and watch it cleanse, purify and heal with the white/blue light of the Universe, Reiki, Raido and you. Recite the following three times as the energy works:
Power of strength, power of light
Make this aura brilliant and bright
Power to heal, power to calm
Be the elixir, the magickal balm

Raido Meditations
 The inspiration for this meditation is from the episode of Charmed when Phoebe was haunted by her past life and had to go back in time to undo a curse. This however, is for if you want to understand more about yourself.

 Confused? Lost? This may be the meditation to help you find your way again. Use Raido as a compass or a sat-nav to give your magick a new direction.

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