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Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Celtic Year - Reed (Elm)

Reed (Elm)/Ngetal
(28th October – 24th November)


This 12th month of the Celtic calendar is quite confusing and I have found references to it both as Reed/Broom and Elm, both claiming to be Ngetal, so I am using all references found for both and will let those who use this post as a reference make up their own mind what feel right to them. After all, it’s all about what’s right for the individual anyway. However, to distinguish between the references, anything relating to Elm will be in another font… this one! The reason behind the confusion is that what is known as the Reed tree is also known as the Dwarf Elm.

Polarity:     Feminine
Element:     Water
Sabbat:     Samhain             
Symbols:     The White Hound; The Stone; The Planet Pluto; The Fire Feast of                 Samhain; Arawn
Deities:       Coventina; Morrigan; Rhiannon; Mannan Mac Lir; Poseidon; Pwyll;
Planet:        Pluto
Animals:      Geese; Kingfisher; Owl; The White Hound
Colour:        Crimson; Grass Green
Gems:         Black Obsidian; Clear Green Jasper

Medicinal & Herbal Uses:
Powdering the root of the Reed makes a powerful (and natural) insecticide against fleas.
Reed was also used medicinally as a way of treating eye-infections.
Remedies with Reed as an ingredient are often aimed at ailments related to the bladder and kidneys.

Magickal Uses:
Reed ‘stalks’ used to be soaked in fat and then burned as a cheap alternative to candles. This could still be done today but I wouldn’t like the smell (I don’t think).
Reed wands are often used in ritual as they are such a strong repellent of negativity.
Sweep the ground with Reed to clear unwanted influences.
As an interpretation of dreaming about the Reed (if you see dream interpretation as divination, as I do), it implies that not all of your friends are true and if you handle Reeds in your dreams then you may well have been deceived in business endeavours.
The Lunar Mysteries are guarded by dogs and the White Hound represents those dogs.
Use bagpipe and flute music in magic to bring Reed energy into your workings.

Other Information:
For centuries, Reed has been used as a household floor-covering and room deodoriser, as well as providing shelter as a useful material for roofing.
The Reed was made further useful by its flexibility to be crafted into arrow shafts, writing pens and even flutes.
It is said that the ‘Pied Piper’ played his rat-removing melody on a magical flute made of Reed. This leads to an assumption that Pan’s flute may have been made of Reed too. These legends have made the Reed still associated with music in the modern world as wood-wind instruments are still made of it.
Though the reed rarely grows large enough to be useful as furniture, when its mature, the veiny wood make beautiful brooms, brushes and baskets.

polarity:      feminine
Element:         earth
Symbols:       communication; relationships
Deities:          Orpheus; odin; hoenin; lord
Planet:           Mercury; Saturn
Animals:          lapwing; grouse
Colour:       turquoise
Day:              tuesday

Medicinal & Herbal Uses:
Make an infusion from the bark of the inner roots to treat colds & coughs, diarrhoea, internal bleeding and fever. This infusion can also be applied to external wounds, or drank to ease menstrual problems.
When slippery elm is powdered it can be made into a milk substitute which is useful for babies who cannot process cow’s milk.

Magickal Uses:
elm tree essence can be utilised to energise the mind and balance the heart. Use it to attract love or protect your heart. It is also a powerful tool for sharpening your psychic powers.
As a representative of the dark side of the psyche, the elm is an excellent conduit of psychic power

Other Information:
Coffins are often made from elm in England, and in Greece it is found in graveyards. The association with death could simply be a bastardisation of it being a gateway to other realms/planes as it is said to be found in the underworld and at the crossroads leading to the realm of the fae.
The elm is a friend of the elves; to see wood elves, sit under an elm tree in a grove of them at dusk and sing. At dawn, the elves will join you in your singing (they need to overcome their shyness first).

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