In conversation with…

Firstly, I
would like to ask about what led you both into witchcraft and into your
paranormal investigations: how did the path of Jennifer Hodgson begin?
I think
without even realizing it witchcraft has always been a part of my life from an
early age. I would do things like a séance, give the fairies acorns, or even
read a crystal ball or pretend to read cards for someone without even being
shown how to do this. I know I was never taught any of this. I love
Halloween/Samhain and always have. I do remember dressing up as a witch; I was
very drawn to that costume and dressing like a gypsy. Growing up I went to many
churches and the whole thing just wasn't right for me. I had no connection to
what was being taught; it just didn't make my soul come alive like it did when
I was outside and just connecting with what was around me. I am still like that
today. It's hard to pinpoint just one thing that led me to my path. I believe
we all eventually end up where we are meant to be.
Looking back
at that young witch, nose in books, gifting acorns and tentatively fingering
her first wand (no puns please – lol); what advice would you give her if you
could have a face-to-face with your younger self?
LOL!! Ok, I
will be good, no puns!
Take your
time, it's not a race, everyone gets to where they need to be at the time that
is right. It's ok to mess up, it's part of learning
Now, from
conversations with you when I was creating your oracle deck, I know you feel a
special connection to cemeteries; how has that affected your practice? Do you
feel more connected to death magicks because of that influence?
My love of
graveyards/cemeteries began at an early age. I was always fascinated with the
older headstones and just how quiet places were. Even at a young age as I
walked around and saw the headstones I would place my hand on them as if to pay
my respect to those who had passed even before I understood what any of this
would mean later on.
How has it
affected my practice? It has helped me to be comfortable connecting to those
who have passed and helped me while doing paranormal investigations.
I guess you
can say it has helped me be more connected because the fear isn't there when
working with ancestral energies.
I personally
feel a very natural connection to witchcraft here in the UK; as the home of much
Celtic mythology and the land of Arthurian legends we have a rich history to
draw from. I know you subscribe to Celtic mythology being a daughter of
Morrigan but what cultures do you draw from of your homelands and how does that
fit into your spiritual practice?
It would be
Native American culture, I have guides who are Native American and I was taught
a little by a Native American when I was 5 or 6. I see them as not only
warriors but also healers and shape shifters if you like.
I have a
theory that the type of witch you become is dependent on the people around you
just as much as how much you study and how you process the information. I would
love to know, who are the people around you that have shaped you as a witch?
Since I never
had people around me growing up with the same beliefs that I have, it's mostly
been reading and deciding my thoughts on the topic I was reading about.
Although one person I can think of that had a huge influence in my life was a
Native American lady who taught me a little about plants at an early age. Sadly
I don't remember her name, she was a neighbour. Now that I am an adult there have been many people
whom I have learned from and so many who have touched my life in some way, to
name just a few, Joey Morris, Natalie Sedgwick, Ember Honey Raven, Phoenix Paton,
Timothy Roderick, Joanna DeVoe, and you, dear Fran. I could keep going to be
quite honest. I have learned many things from many people. Each one has said
something in a post on facebook or in a video or even something I may have read
in a book that has made me look at things differently.
I love that
you attribute who you are to so many; it is a beautiful salute to the online
community of practitioners. It would be impossible to continue now though
without talking about your relationship with Morrigan because I am sure She has
shaped your path more than any other… I am fascinated by this connection and
would love to know more about how she first came to you and what forged the
bond you share with her?
There were
many clues that she was around from seeing her name, hearing her name and just
connecting to others who are also daughters and sons of the Morrigan. I talked
to Joey Morris from Starry Eyed Supplies about her and how would I know for
sure it was her; she suggested lighting a red candle and meditating and seeing
what happened. I did this but was still a little hesitant and so I had a dream
and out of the entire dream all I remember was hearing the name Morgan Le Fey.
So once I again I asked Joey about this and I did research but the final thing
that happened was I asked a question, I don't honestly remember the question
now, but I did get my answer and I have never looked back since.
I believe she
has always been with me but what made her presence known to me and for me to
forge a bond with her was when I was going through a difficult time in my life.
She showed me that I am a strong person and that I would be ok.
You’re a very
genuine and generous person… I’m very curious about what riles you and what, if
anything would send you to the altar itching to cast curses?
Thank you
Fran, I appreciate that. I am very protective of my children, my friends, the elderly
and those who can't defend themselves; so attacking them will send me to the
altar. I don't like it when people are bullied. My children have said when my
face turns red from my neck up, run. I do have a temper, I am not always nice
and sweet, I have a side that many never see. When I am in this state, words
will come out of my mouth that I won't remember saying and I feel my eyes being
There’s a
side of me like that and I think it’s only my altar that has seen it…; from my
altar I go medieval on those who deserve it. Speaking of medieval (yes, I know
it’s a strained segway), another thing I remember you being particularly fond
of from our chats is the castles and I’d love to know where that comes from. Is
it the history, the romanticism, the sovereignty? Is it the thought of a moat
as protection? Turrets, a draw bridge, a tower with ravens at its windows?
I have loved
castles since I was a kid; they are just so magickal. I love the thought of
having a secret room where you can do all sorts of things… read your books,
make potions, create spells; the list of possibilities is endless. I do love
the history of castles and learning about the people who lived there; what they
did, how they lived, especially since I live in the United States where we
don't have the same type of castles or buildings that you find in Scotland,
Ireland and I am sure other places in the UK.
before my quick-fire questions… is there anything about your path so far that
you would change if you were given the chance to go back and do it again?
I can't say I
would change anything, every experience I have had has made me who I am, the
lessons have helped me learn not only more about who I am but also about
others. I am able to help others in situations because of my experiences.
Time for my
quick fire (and sometimes silly) questions… on your marks, get set, fly:
yourself in 3 words?
a magickal tool you couldn’t live without?
Book of Shadows/Journal
affirmation/quote do you live by?
Speak your truth.
what is at the top of your summer (bucket to everyone else) list?
Master Tarot.
yourself a super power… what is it?
crystal do you most resonate with?
Crystal quartz
is your Hogwarts house?
Gryffindor (I love Harry Potter)
three things in your handbag right now?
you prefer to be fae, vampire or an animal?
someone I should interview next…?
Annika (Sea Priestess)
Please list any links you would like me to include
and any upcoming appearances or events in your schedule you would like
Thank you so much to Jennifer for taking the time
to share a little of your life…; look forward to more interviews soon. x
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