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Tuesday, 24 December 2013

My Christmas Gift Poetry


Great writer’s minds have crafted
For many years they've grafted
To find the words that will portray
The feelings that are hid away

In darkened rooms, by candle-light
On ocean shore and mountain height
So by this logic, words should be
Hard to find for you or me

But a secret that was never told
When words were made in days of old
Is that I was there and I knew
I’d need these words to give to you.

I thought for quite a lengthy spell
How to describe you all so well
I swam through quite a turbulent sea
With many waves of black coffee

There were obstacles I faced
While trying not to get too spaced
Words came fast and then too slow
All back and forth, then to and fro

Many hours with prose were toiled
Lost in rhymes that had me foiled
I sat alone and thought so deep
Sometimes I’d laugh, sometimes I’d weep

But now I'm pleased with the result
And happily I do exult
Each poem written by my hand
Is complete and rather grand

So please enjoy the words I wrote
With love and kindness they denote
All I feel I've found since meeting
The 32 friends I'm daily greeting


Chocolate truffles and hazelnut creams
Cookie-dough goodness and sugar-cloaked dreams
A realm of true sweetness and hidden delight
Encompassing all that is kept out of sight.

So through this magical land I wander
Filled with the hope that’s free to plunder
And happen upon a special surprise
A fountain of wisdom with no hope of disguise

The rose-scented waters that from it cascade
Reveal the sweetness you keep in the shade
And how your soul is sent from above
A gift of the Gods, to us, with love


Made of every wondrous thing
Toffee apples and silly string
A shooting star in rapid flight
The silver glow of full moonlight

It’s in your eyes, that life is mirth
And in your smile, what that is worth
The laughter and sparkle you emit
Compliment your dazzling wit

So when I am low, I think of you
And my spirits rise as if they’re new
These words of genuine gratitude
Are for your sunny attitude.

Helen S

Golden rays from a summer eve
Surround you in an auric weave
And on the back of fairies’ wings
The tiny notes a songbird sings

You are blessed in many ways
But being encircled by the faes
Makes you touched by nature’s glory
A precious moment in your story

This magic that has chosen you
It shines like drops of morning dew
So feel special, feel treasured
For natures love cannot be measured.


A heart of gold is rare to see
Its gift of love is given free
Capacity that can’t be measured
And so your friendship must be treasured

I know these rhymes seem awfully cheesy
But words for you, they flowed so easy
You are beyond compare the best
So always know that you are blessed.

And if you ever feel unsure
Read these words, they are a cure
To remind you that when all seems lost
Your heart of gold is never the cost


Legend tells of a man of snow
Abominable unless you know
That he is sated and appeased
When his appetite is eased

Dark the cavern in which he dwells
With densest walls of sparkling swells
Silence reigns in its icy deep
So walk with haste, don’t make a peep

He will emerge to fill his tummy
So if you bring him something yummy
The legend says you’ll find out that
He’s really just a pussy cat.


Abstract, heart-felt or purely random
How to convey the sheer fandom
Of the gifts that you possess
And in what way I should express

With descriptions of humour and wit
Or the sparkle your eyes emit
Should I write of brush-strokes grand
Or liken you to grains of sand

The decision could not quite be made
So to compromise I was swayed
And tried a little of all three
It turned out well, I hope you agree

Tee & Hayley

Days that have been spun to myth
In hurried time that left forthwith
When knights were plenty in this land
And gallantry was seen first hand

It’s almost lost and gone forever
But some, like you, they do endeavour
To bring chivalry into this age
By letting courage out it’s cage

The heat that flows inside your veins
Is bravery that never wanes
It bubbles up inside your heart
And sets your soul a world apart

Now, to each tale that has a knight
His lady love must be in sight
A maid of courtesy and grace
To catch the knight in love’s embrace

Then bestowed upon the pair
The blessing of a son and heir
And to fulfil this happy ending
Wedding vows are now impending

It happened here, right in this story
How love triumphed and found glory
So Cinders and Snow White are beat
By Kingstanding’s most elite.


Light the heart of those who know
Your disposition’s is aglow
A wealth of care and understanding
Kindness eternally expanding

An autumn glade of dancing gold
A leaf procession in the cold
That warms the spirit of those nearby
To never want to say goodbye

Your quiet calm is humbling
Like autumn leaves are tumbling
No wonder you’re so highly rated
When you’re beautifully understated


Lollipops and bubble-gum
Brandy snap and sugar plum
Your inner child is singing out
The fun that you are all about

It took no time to ascertain
You are so very far from plain
The rainbow that is in your heart
Makes you an abstract piece of art

I wrote this verse to now express
How knowing you is to regress
To every colour, dark, pale and bright
That you bring to every day and night.


I've found this rhyme so hard to write
Because it seemed quite impolite
To capture in just words alone
The unique nature that you own

It bubbles with a childish glee
Skips and frolics, wild and free
Eternal youth is ever thine
Gifted from the great divine

But dwelling deep within such fun
A mischief making has begun
So when your wayward side takes hold
Remember it stops you growing old.


I wrote a poem of chocolate mountains
Juice filled lakes and truffle fountains
But when it came to read it through
It would've made you hungry too.

And so to fairy land we travel
Starlight shining on sacred gravel
Enchanted woods and talking trees
Unicorn sighted on bended knees

Only here where magics reign
Can I say I've done it again
As I wrote these words I knew
They’d been fucked by Tinkerbell too.


Starlet glamour, dazzling chic
Unparalleled air of mystique
Exuding charm from every pore
Not a blemish or a flaw

It seems with angels you’re aligned
And in your soul, gold’s intertwined
Not simply round the outside twirled
But woven in and gently swirled

The angels made you incandescent
Creating light that’s effervescent
It can’t go out or even fade
Because your goodness won’t be swayed


This is the second time I've tried
To write in verse what I have spied
In the year since meeting you
And here is what I know is true

That rock is in your heart and soul
It fills you up and makes you whole
And what I've found a great surprise
For one so young, you’re very wise

So abstract words don’t seem required
To tell you that you are admired
For your friendship and your heart
You really are state of the art


Roll the dice, play your hand
Make a castle in the sand
Live for today, not tomorrow
Feel the joy and not the sorrow

No moment on this earth is wasted
When you sample what’s to be tasted
So be surprised by each detail
Breathe it in when you inhale

Don’t let a blessing be forsaken
When each one helps you awaken
To see the world is all enchanted
So never take it too for granted.

Silver threads that wind their way
Through the ethers bright bouquet
Of colours bending is astral flight
A spectacle of pure delight

And when they reach this realm of earth
The heart and home of nature’s birth
Their colours burst a rainbow spray
A cosmic fireworks display

I think of this when I see you
Because you emit every hue
Of the rainbows brightest light
Even those that aren't in sight.


Rainbow characters did unite
To create a pure delight
This is what I see in you
Zippy, George and Bungle too

But I'm bringing the full cast
From the 80’s all amassed
The Moomins and the Fraggles play
Thundercats will rock this day

He-Man has brought all the Masters
Of the Universe, so no disasters
No wonder you turned out so great
With 80’s TV as your mate.


When it’s time for you to slumber
Count the sheep of endless number
Enveloped in a layer of fuzz
And imagine no alarm will buzz

A cocoon of softness when you sleep
Protection as your dreams go deep
Wrapped up in all those comfy folds
No chance of nasty flu’s or colds

Fleecy flannel, fur and fluff
Pyjama goodness, that’s the stuff
Covered in teddies, cupcakes and more
Keeps you warm and helps you snore.


Inevitable that time will pass
And as it does you will amass
A myriad of lessons learnt
Just avoid the ‘getting burnt’

It’s easy to imagine that
These lessons come without combat
But remember for who you will become
That getting there is half the fun

Breaking hearts will open yours
And few mistakes cause actual wars
So whenever of something you’re unsure
Never forget, it’s been done before


There is a lake of vast expanse
Which from a distance, at first glance
Appears to be serene and still
But no one can predict it’s will

The fluid depths hold currents high
And 50 proof rains from the sky
That’s mirrored on the surface shine
And scatters on this mystic brine

Legend says in residence
A naiad of great elegance
Will dance under the endless rain
Her spirit not to be contained

Helen P

The ease with which this verse flows out
Says much of whom it is about
No words could ever exactly say
The thankful blessing it does portray

Your warmth is always showing through
I never thought but then I knew
That I must have done something fine
To be counted a friend of thine

There are few people in this land
Whom for a century I could stand
But you are definitely on that list
A fact I never would resist


Ocean waves are gently lapping
At the shore and softly crashing
The peace of such a scene is so
Visible in your quiet ‘hello’

Immortal are these waters deep
That captivate and ceaseless keep
The sweet serenity of this girl
Who shimmers like a clam-fresh pearl

Her song is one of youthful life
So no matter what the strife
The waters running through this soul
Will always be in her control


I thought this poem would be a breeze
The words would flow with so much ease
Because you’re kind in heart and mind
This poem would make that outlined

However, when it came to write
Each line came over too contrite
The words seemed clumsy, overdone
The magic wasn't being spun

It took some time to know why
The rhymes together would not tie
But now I know it’s just too tough
To find words that would be good enough


The magic of a Catherine-wheel
The gold, magenta and the teal
Spiral through the ether swirling
Your light and sparkle is a-twirling

Never change your disposition
Because it’s such a sweet emission
Of all that you hold dear and true
The wonder that’s just and only you

A temperament of pure delight
That fills the room you’re in with light
And brightens any darkly place
With the presence of your grace.


It takes a very special soul
To be trusted in a friendship role
And it took seconds to be sure
That your friendship was couture

In an instant it was cast
Not burdened by a blemished past
Highly coveted and enjoyed
Never a cross-word or annoyed

No rule is set or broken
No secret left unspoken
Because acceptance is the key
In the friendship of you and me


Candied the words that tumble out
When I think of what to shout
About the niceness you bestow
On everybody that you know

Your sweetness sticks like toffee
Enjoyed like sugared coffee
And never is a bad word said
Because you have a level head

A smile in each greeting
Courtesy in every meeting
So words can’t really capture well
How knowing you is rather swell


A disposition of softest grace
Is displayed upon your face
And on your smile I can depend
In loveliness you set the trend

So it takes no time to love
All that you sweetly consist of.
A heart you wear upon your sleeve
Kindness so easy to perceive

So as I write this little rhyme
I think of how you are sublime
Choice of words is far from lackin’
‘Cause you are completely crackin’


It’s not hard to understand
That you deserve a big brass band
That marches in salute of you
For all the good things that you do

The sound could not be loud enough
Or have sufficient punch ‘n’ stuff
To honour just how great you are
In fact brighter than a star

So, fifty trombones should be hailing
A hundred trumpets ever scaling
The drum beat magnified ten-fold
‘Cause in making you, they broke the mould


Though knowing you is rather new
It’s easy to see a fiery hue
A spark of passion for all you love
A kindness that fits you like a glove

You have a very special air
A warmth of spirit with a care
And in that spirit magic lives
Enjoy the benefit it gives

So feel happy, feel proud
That you are blessed and endowed
With the sweetness in your heart
That sets your soul a world apart


Crisp the snow that sets the scene
On a landscape quite serene
Nothing breaks the silent splendour
So to its presence, do surrender

Enjoy the sparkle as moonlight
Enchants each frosty star delight
The winter blanket has descended
Reminding me when we befriended

A dozen moons have soared the sky
And from then to now I can’t deny
That knowing you has been so nice
A very lucky roll of dice.


Fairy lights and candy canes
Santa pulling on sled reigns
Winter scenes of delight
Sparkling both day and night

Stockings hanging from the fire
Christmas Eve, time to retire
To dream of presents under tree
Bringing happiness and glee

You epitomise this time
Of the spirit, so divine
That flutters in to December
A Christmas worthy to remember.


Lotus flowers of pink-white hue
Float gently on the silver-blue
Above them dance the fire-flies
That mirror starlight from the skies

So invoke the lovely lotus bloom
Your magic’s held within its womb
Watch its splendour, feel its grace
Keep it in a warm embrace

And in that joyful merry dance
It’s possible to slyly glance
The magic that is in your heart
And the revelry it does impart


There is a cosmic multitude
Of people with an attitude
Those who think they’re always right
No matter what the cost or plight

But not all souls are made this way
Some freely give their time away
And when I think of you, my friend
I know that you are of this trend

And it doesn’t take a sleuth
To know you only speak the truth
Special from the inside out
A blessing to us all no doubt

The End

Merry Christmas all.

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