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Thursday, 1 May 2014

Sabbat Discovery - Beltane

Samhain  Yule  Imbolc  Ostara  Beltane Litha  Lammas  Mabon

This celebration of transition into the warmer months is the third Spring festival on the Wheel of the Year. It marks the peak of Spring and the beginning of Summer; the time when light is dominating the dark, the abundant life force of the earth is bursting forth in every shade of every colour.
The Cycle of Life
Beltane precedes the Summer Solstice (Litha) on the Wheel and is traditionally a festival of fire and fertility. Many take this quite literally and can be found dancing around a Belfire to celebrate the virile young Lord and the fertile maiden celebrating the evident consumption of their relationship. It is the transition from Maiden to Mother through the mystery of sexuality as the young Lord, overcome with desire for the Goddess falls deeply in love with her and among the grasses and blossoms they unite. This union and the Goddess to bear the reborn God is the celebration of Beltane – Her symbolic fertility and His virility.

The Beltane Fire or the Belfire is a symbolic reference to the Celtic God Bel, meaning Bright One and the Gaelic word ‘teine’ meaning fire. Combined they mean Bright Fire.

This translates into celebration by lighting a bonfire to encourage and support Bel and the sun’s light to nurture the future harvest and protect the community. The people would douse all fires and especially kindle only the Belfire to blaze; this was the ‘need-fire’. The people of the community would then jump the fire to purify, cleanse and bring fertility.

One of the most wonderful ways to diversify the celebration of the Sababts is with food and drink. Feasting is a very enjoyable part of festivities and with Beltane the feast is fresh, indulgent & sumptuous. Incorporate the natural world by using edible herbs, plants and flowers. Also, as a means to further the fetility theme of the Sabbat, include foods with aphrodisiacal properties, such as oysters, strawberries, chocolate, etc…

A chocolate maypole (made like a Yule Log) is a great idea, filled with sweetened cream and fresh halved strawberries; serve it vertically using ribbons or coloured icing strips to decorate.

The Maypole
The Maypole is one of the oldest traditions of Beltane and the decorative ribbon dance was performed ‘skyclad’/nude to promote arousal and in turn, fertility.

The pole itself was traditionally made of Birch and inserted into the Earth as a representation of the God’s potency and virility. A ring of flowers encircles the top as a symbol of the fertile Goddess. The ribbons are twisted, spun and weaved between and around each other by the participants dance as the sacred union of the God & Goddess, the union between Earth and Sky is celebrated, enjoyed and witnessed.

Hand fasting
With the love of the God & Goddess in the air and Beltane being the time of The Great Wedding, their wedding, it is a wonderful and popular time for a hand fasting which for those who do know is a pagan wedding ceremony. A hand fasting is performed to last for a year and a day, after which time the couple can choose to stay together or part without malice.

The handfasting ceremony is usually highly unique to the couple but will hold several traditional elements, such as the exchange of vows and rings (or other token of value). Also, there is always the name sake part of the ceremony which involves the hands of the bride and groom being tied together in a figure of eight with red cord or ribbon – the tying of the hands is symbolic of the couple having come together and when it is untied, represents their desire to stay together of their own free will.

Going A-Maying is a term used for a a tradition of couples spending the night in the woods and fields to make love and bring back armfuls of the first May and Hawthorn blossoms; these are then used to decorate homes and altars. All participants were free to enact the Sacred Marriage of Goddess & God which led to an accepted tradition of ‘Beltane Babies’ arriving nine months later.

Another traditions of going A-Maying is for young women to wash their faces with morning dew and to make Flower Crowns and May Baskets.

Other Suggestions
Dress up especially to celebrate the Great Wedding of Goddess & God

Watch the sunrise & make love

Befriend a tree – sit with it, talk to it, dance around it, decorate it

Make a Flower Crown

Make Hawthorn Brandy

Make a wreath of fresh greenery and flowers for your door

Serve an evening meal of breakfast foods to invoke the Sun God. Make an extra plate for the Sun God and leave outside (in the East) when the meal is finished.

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