As with any birthday, I am taking stock, clearing
out the negative and starting fresh. The moon is waning so it is the most
auspicious time for banishing the crap out of my life, getting pro-active, so
that when the moon is waxing in a couple of weeks, I can bring things into my
life. As part of this birthday clear-out I have made a list of five ‘things’
which I am banishing from my life this birthday:
Resentful feelings
Body Issues
I did not plan to turn this into a post about
banishing negativity and all my issues so I am stopping; this is a day of
celebration I will focus on the positive things about myself today: I have Love,
family, friendship and work but above all, I have the light
of the Universe withi n me as my spiritual path
stretches onward, I have enlightenment, faith and I have something to believe
in. That is the best birthday present I could ever hope for.
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